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Well, your brain and your eyes, your arms and legs, and hands and feet, as well as your tummy, are your soldiers. And it's mutiny if they refuse to carry out the Officer's orders. And you're the Officer, you know." "Am I ve Officer, weally?" Interest was quickening in the heavy eyes. "You're the Officer. And I'm the Colonel in Command.

This thing of acquiring a tummy steals on one insidiously, like a thief in the night. You notice that you are plumping out a trifle and for the time being you feel a sort of small personal satisfaction in it. Your shirts fit you better. You love the slight strain upon the buttonholes. You admire the pleasant plunking sound suggestive of ripe watermelons when you pat yourself.

"I does twy," piped Hammy weakly, "and ven my tummy shuts, and it isn't no use twying any more." The Mother-Superior brought a gaily-coloured little china cup of that rare luxury, new milk, and bent over him, saying cheerfully, as she held it to the colourless mouth, "Not always, Hammy. Taste this." "No, fank you." He turned his head away, tightly shutting his eyes.

"I don't see how this fellow could have the one containing the last will of Simon Tupper," Tommy argued. "Can you open the tummy of the Little Brass God, Will?" asked Sandy. "Mr. Frederick Tupper showed me how to do the trick," Will answered. "Then why don't you see whether this is the right one or not?" asked Sandy. "If you can open it, it's the one; if you can't, it isn't the one!"

Some people spray insects with a flit gun, but I like to eat them up. Bugs are yummy in my tummy! But my little Lovebug is special. She doesn't go in my tummy. Instead, she gets to stay wound up in my web, only to be let free long enough to give me what I need." "What is that?" asked Elephant with a shudder. "The biggest and grandest thing in the universe is, of course, True Love.

Last night as I lay on my pillow, Last night when they'd put me to bed I spoke to my dear little tummy And wept at the words that I said: "My sensitive, beautiful tummy That once was so rosy and pure! My dainty, fastidious tummy O what have you had to endure? "You once were inclined to be fussy; You turned at inferior rye; You moped at a dubious vintage And shrieked if the gin wasn't dry.

I am resolved to be happy, and in my prophetic bones is a feeling that things are about to take a turn for the better, something better than the humble stewed prune for Dinkie's little tummy and something better than the companionship of the hired help for his mother. Not that both Peter and Whinnie haven't a warm place in my heart! They couldn't be better to me.

"D'you know, Miss Ra ... Ra ... Rambotham" he made as if he could not get her name out "d'you know that I'm a great man for scent? Fact. I take a bath in it every morning." Laura smiled uncertainly, fixed always by the child. "Fact, I assure you. Over the tummy, up to the chin. Now, who's been at it? For it's my opinion I shan't have enough left to shampoo my eyebrows. Bob, is it you?"

The man saluted, and Ken and Roy, who had hardly expected to leave the place alive, found themselves marched back down the evil-smelling street and shut up once more in the same hovel as before. Roy turned to Ken as the key clicked in the lock behind them. 'This is a rum go, he said in great astonishment. 'What's it mean? Who is the Johnny with the fat tummy and the bloodshot eyes?

Give a man a dozen years or so of the mental starvation of a New England wilderness, and then all at once fill him chock full of new ideas, and he gets a pain within him, just as painful a pain as if it were in his tummy, not his mind. In time, it leads to chronic indigestion. That's what Brenton's got." "Yes; but that is cause, not extenuating circumstance," Whittenden objected.