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On a Tuesday, the fourth of August, at ten o'clock in the evening, the nuns of the Hotel-Dieu were roused from their early slumbers by shouts, outcries, and the ringing of bells; "and," writes one of them, "what was our terror to find it as light as noonday, the flames burned so fiercely and rose so high."

My departure from Ulupalakua illustrates some of the uncertainties of island travelling. On Monday night my things were packed, and my trunk sent off to the landing; but at five on Tuesday, Mr. Whipple came to my door to say that the Kilauea was not in Lahaina roads, and was probably laid up for repairs.

'Meg, said Kitty, 'I can pay you back the shilling you gave me on Tuesday night. 'But you mustn't come into our room, if you do, answered Meg. 'No, no, I'll not come in, said she, pressing a shilling into Meg's hand. 'But why hasn't father come home? 'I don't know, sobbed Meg. 'His ship came in the night of Robbie's birthday, that's two days ago; and he's never come yet.

"He is right," thought David. He had forgotten the routine work of the business, thoroughly absorbed as he had been in experiments on a large scale. David went to Marsac. For the past six months he had gone over on Saturday evening, returning again to L'Houmeau on Tuesday morning.

Eames, on the evening after his dinner at Pawkins's, had seen the earl, and explained to him that he could not leave town till the Saturday evening; but that he could remain over the Tuesday. He must be at his office by twelve on Wednesday, and could manage to do that by an early train from Guestwick.

He is a little man, and has a habit of rubbing the sharp ridge of his nose. "How be you, Jethro?" says Samuel. "Killed the brindle Thursday. Finest hide you ever seed." "G-goin' to town meetin' Tuesday g-goin' to town meetin' Tuesday Sam'l?" says Jethro. "I was callatin' to, Jethro." "Democrat hain't ye Democrat?" "Callate to be." "How much store do ye set by that hide?" Samuel rubs his nose.

"Tuesday of this week the day Jimmie Turnbull died." Clymer turned them over. "They are drawn payable to cash, and bear no endorsement, which shows Rochester must have presented them himself." Harding and Taylor glanced significantly at each other, but neither spoke. Suddenly Kent pushed back his chair and rose without ceremony. "Don't go, Kent." Clymer took up some papers. "There's a matter "

Two, including the "Three Friends," had landed, and two more were on the way. Tuesday morning, as the "Three Friends" was returning, she sighted a steamer that answered to the description of the "Commodore." She was headed southward, and pushing along apparently at the rate of fifteen knots an hour.

On Monday, between the Nore and Margate, there were sunk five large steamers, the Adela, Moldavia, Cusco, Cormorant, and Maid of Athens, particulars of which will be found below. Near Ventnor, on the same day, was sunk the Verulam, from Bombay. On Tuesday the Virginia, Caesar, King of the East, and Pathfinder were destroyed between the Foreland and Boulogne.

Tuesday, November 22. Young people's dance. Courtesy to Missouri Commission on account of fire. Thursday, November 24. Thanksgiving day. Friday, November 25. Charity ball and Kirmess given by the ladies of St. Louis for the benefit of the Martha Parsons Free Hospital for Children of St. Louis, and for the fund for the Trades School for Girls of New York.