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Baths. Warm tub-baths may be taken throughout the pregnancy, but never oftener than twice a week, and the woman should never stay in the tub longer than is absolutely necessary for the bath, as otherwise the bath is too enervating.

But at any cost it is imperative not to hinder but rather to promote this function and to keep the skin in a healthful condition through bathing and massage. Nurses are taught, on this account, to give a warm soap and water bed-bath in the morning and an alcohol rub at night. Patients are usually allowed to take tub-baths after the third week.

During the menstrual periods all cold baths must be strictly prohibited, whether tub-baths or cold sponges.

Women who do not suffer from leuchorrhea need not take a vaginal douche more than once a week; after the menstrual flow the vaginal injection is advised to remove the detritus of the flow. Baths. The most ordinary forms of baths used may be classified under sponge-, shower-, sitz-, and tub-baths.

A blanket should be wrapped about the patient so that she will be thrown into a perspiration; it is almost needless to say that the only time for taking this bath is just before retiring, and that this bath does make the woman more susceptible to taking cold, so that it is necessary to wear an abdominal woolen bandage day and night. Tub-baths.