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Then she uplifted her eyes frankly to his own, and he looked down into their revealed depth. "I do not," the low voice hard with decision. "I despise him." "Have you ever loved him?" "As God is my witness no." There was no possible disbelieving her; the absolute truthfulness of that utterance was evidenced by trembling lips, by the upturned face.

Is it possible for the people to respect the clergy when they see that truth has disappeared from it, and that the Consistories, guided in their decisions not by rules, but by personal friendship and bribery, destroy in it the last remains of truthfulness?

Their poetry is, for the most part, a faded copy of an unsubstantial original, an echo of sounds originally faint. Truth and poetry were effectually divided. In the latter half of the thirteenth century, however, a few poets appeared whose verses give evidence of some native life, and are enlivened by a freer play of fancy and a greater truthfulness of feeling.

William Bent for his day and time was an exceptionally good man. His integrity, his truthfulness on all occasions, and his remarkable courage endeared him to the red and white man alike, and Fort William prospered wonderfully under his careful and just management. Both his brothers and St.

Be this as it may, the Countess and Alfieri continued, in the opinion of all contemporaries, and according to the assurance of Alfieri himself, whose cynicism and truthfulness are equal, on the same footing as in Florence. And these months in Rome seem to have been the happiest months of Alfieri's life, the happiest, probably, of the life of the Countess of Albany.

I determined to ask. "Niâbon," I said in English, which Tematau also understood fairly well, though he never spoke it, "tell me truly did you or Tematau ever speak to Lucia of this boat which I have just bought?" "No, never, Mr. Sherry," she replied calmly, and the quiet dark eyes met mine with such an expression of truthfulness that I was instantly ashamed of my transitory suspicion.

Arlt changed his phrase to the direct question. "Don't you think he fought with the best that was in him?" And Thayer assented with perfect truthfulness, "I do." "Then we ought to ask for nothing more." "If he stood alone. Unfortunately he doesn't." Arlt raised his brows. "But the risk is hers."

Like some portrait, by an old master, time, whilst it mellowed and softened the colors, added that depth and truthfulness of character by which the value I is at once known. He was sitting in an arm-chair, with a pillow for his head to rest upon when he wished it; and on his son's entrance he asked him to wheel it round nearer the centre of the room, and let down the window.

Reader, while I do not claim for this volume any rare literary merit, I trust a perusal of its pages may have afforded you some little pleasure, and instruction. I can cheerfully place it in the hands of my old prison associates, confident that they will testify to its truthfulness and fairness.

Anybody who has had an opportunity of carefully testing the truthfulness of his recollection of some remote event in early life will have found how oddly extraneous elements become incorporated into the memorial picture. Incidents get put into wrong places, the wrong persons are introduced into a scene, and so on. Here again we may illustrate the mnemonic illusion by a visual one.