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It seemed to me, as I told my nieces, that our English fiction writers had better shut up altogether and have done with it, for one will have no patience with any but didactic writing after yours. I feel the freshness no less, while, from my travels, I can be even more assured of the truthfulness of your wonderful representation.

He felt again more carefully. "Most 'xtraor'nary!" he muttered. "Fren's," said he, still feeling at the man's head, "this person has the most extraor'nary bump of 'quisitiveness. Never felt one like it, 'xcept on th' cranium of a very celebrated thief an' robber. His bump of benev'lence 's a reg'lar hole. Bump of truthfulness don' somehow seem to be there at all.

Even without, much humor Trollope's books have been a vast pleasure to me through their simple truthfulness. Perhaps if they were more humorous they would not be so true to the British life and character present in them in the whole length and breadth of its expansive commonplaceness.

If living for themselves only, and with no end but pleasure each little self his own little god such a nation is doomed, and its decay is inevitable. Where national character ceases to be upheld, a nation may be regarded as next to lost. Where it ceases to esteem and to practise the virtues of truthfulness, honesty, integrity, and justice, it does not deserve to live.

Louis's want of truthfulness had caused this uncertainty, as he had left no intimation of the path he purposed taking when he quitted his mother's house.

He knew that there was a change in Eileen Brokaw, a change which nature had not worked alone, as she wished him to believe. Then, and at supper, he tried to fathom her. At times he detected the metallic ring of what was unreal and make-believe in what she said; at other times she seemed stirred by emotions which added immeasurably to the sweetness and truthfulness of her voice. She was nervous.

The adulation of his professed friends, and the noisy popularity with which he was greeted, appear to have fostered his crafty designs to rid himself of parliamentary government. His whole conduct was that of a Papist, who keeps no faith with Protestants; or of a statesman, whose religion, honour, and truthfulness, were wholly subservient to expediency.

We can go to an hotel for a day or two, and then I shall take lodgings in South Kensington, or thereabouts. 'Have you any money? 'Yes enough to carry on, answered Brian. 'Truthfulness was not his strong point, although he was a Wendover, and that race deemed itself free from the taint of falsehood.

Entrance into the Kingdom is through the love of God, through detachment, through holiness and chastity, through truthfulness, purity, steadfastness, faithfulness and the sacrifice of life. These explanations show that man is immortal and lives eternally.

This he regards as a tradition of "irrefutable inner truthfulness.... The beginning of Polytheism therefore represents the second phase of Greek religion, which was preceded by a Monotheism." Every student of Greek literature knows that this original belief at an early age gave place to a worship of the gods on Olympus, a worship which in turn gave way to openly avowed atheism.