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I would therefore propose that you should leave the arrangement of them to us men; to Philippus, the physician, Rufinus, your host who is, I am assured, an honest man and to our experienced and trustworthy treasurer Nilus, whom you know as an incorruptible judge. "I propose that the business should be settled tomorrow in the house of Rufinus. You can be present or not, as you please.

But then there was always some ambitious but hardly trustworthy member who endeavoured to gather round him a third party which might become dominant by trimming between the other two; and he again would find the ground cut from beneath his feet by new aspirants.

My reverend friend, anxious for my fame, with an air of the utmost gravity and earnestness, addressed me thus: 'My dear sir, I would confine myself to the cow. BOSWELL. Blair's advice was expressed more emphatically, and with a peculiar burr 'Stick to the cow, mon. WALTER SCOTT. Boswell's record, which moreover is far more humorous, is much more trustworthy than Scott's tradition.

Oh, isn't it dreadful!" and the brave Freda was on the verge of tears. "I'll see Jack at once," declared Cora, "and if there are not trustworthy lawyers here we will fetch our own down from Chelton. The senior member of the firm would do anything reasonable for our family, and when mother is away she leaves Jack and me full discretion. Let us hurry back before the boys get out on the water.

The Convention had also by this time completed its enlistment, and had taken other measures of defense; but it was without a trustworthy person to command its forces, for among the fourteen generals of the republic then present in Paris, only two were certainly loyal to the Convention, and both these were men of very indifferent character and officers of no capacity.

At secret meetings, to which trustworthy members of the various trades were invited, all sorts of material for offence was collected for the attack upon the employers, and for carrying on the newspaper agitation. It was a question of striking at the blood-suckers, and those who were loose in the saddle!

At last the mythical "Pampa of Ghosts" began to take on in our minds an aspect of reality, even though we were careful to remind ourselves that another very trustworthy man had said he had seen ruins "finer than Ollantaytambo" near Huadquiña. Guzman did not seem to dread Conservidayoc as much as the other Indians, only one of whom had ever been there.

'The last confessions of men about to die are generally trustworthy, remarked Rex rather drily. 'Of course of course. She wondered what other communication the letter had contained. 'Exactly, and you may rely upon the exactness of what I tell you. My poor father had no reason for deceiving me, nor was he a man to deceive any one.

My own boat and the dhow are both there, and I shall at once work up all the rivers, and set things going again. "I have a capital fellow, a native, who is carrying on the cattle business for me and, at Chittagong, I shall try and get hold of three or four more trustworthy fellows, to take charge of depots. I see a big future before us, and that before long.

Adrienne and Judith were absolutely trustworthy. They had forewarned her of the situation. It was only fair that they should be taken into her confidence. "I've something to tell you girls," she went on slowly. "You must wait to hear it until we are in our room. I'd rather not go into it out here on the veranda." "All right. We'll be good.