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Some day I hope to understand it better." "You certainly will, dear mother," said Faith, brightly, "but if you would only stop trying to understand! If you would only accept it as a little child, and then trust to the Heavenly Father to lead you!" "I will some day, Faith I am sure of it," answered her mother. "I shall be saved, not only through my own faith, but through that of my daughter."

By her mother's marriage-settlement, Ford Bank was held in trust for the children of the marriage; the trustees being Sir Frank Holster and Mr. Johnson.

She cannot at all times trust her memory, for it has given out in the watchfulness necessary to the respectability of her house, which she regards as the Gibraltar from which she turns upon society her unerring guns.

I was asking God earnestly what to do, and I had just about decided to buy a ticket to a point as far as my money would pay and then to trust God for the rest of my fare, when, looking up, I saw in the distance some one coming through the heat, and as he drew nearer, I recognized him as Uncle.

"Your father was in a position of great trust. It is different with you. You are idle, and you need a career. England has so little to offer her young men, but there are other countries " I interrupted her brusquely. "Thank you," I said, "but I have employment, and such ambitions as I have admit of nothing but an honest career."

The conditions on which the trust must be accepted were, that the School should be located on the Fox River between Neenah and Green Bay, and that an additional ten thousand dollars should be contributed by other parties.

"Perhaps," said my aunt, "they had not had your opportunities of knowing all grades of the service." The major flushed. "I have served the king as well as I know how, and I trust, madam, I shall have the pleasure to aid in the punishment of some of these insolent rebels." "May you be there to see, Hugh," said my aunt, laughing. Willing to make a diversion, Mrs.

When you have said that, then add: "And now, I trust God to make it all real to me in my experience.

"Beastly slacker," said Linton. "Anyhow, how far are we going? I'm not going to pull all night." "If you row for about half an hour without exerting yourself and I can trust you not to do that and then look to your left, you'll see a certain hostelry, if it hasn't moved since I was last there.

Convinced as she was of the example already given her by her husband, and in relation to which her profession of trust in his mistress had been an act of conformity exquisitely calculated, her imagination yet sought in the hidden play of his influence the explanation of any change of surface, any difference of expression or intention.