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'What! has the plague been gleaning among the little brood down there? 'The plague! repeated Conrad, bringing his truck to a stand. 'Well, yes, something like it. Now-a-days the soldiers are the worst plague, and it was one of them that put an end to the miller's little son. 'What do you mean by that, boy?

My trade is war; and I trust that Captain Truck means to honour me with the command of one of the boats." "I thought as much, by Jove!" exclaimed the captain, seizing a hand which he shook with the utmost cordiality.

The soldiers had done some work on the roads, so they were not as bad as they had been earlier in the spring; but they were still bad enough, and the people in the truck were bounced about like kernels of corn in a popper. "Now," said Mademoiselle, when they arrived at the station, "the fowls and the rabbits will have to go back in the truck.

Now the sky lightened again, and suddenly, as the ship lay there, a vast ball of fire issued from the black clouds immediately overhead, descending like the lightning straight downward, till all at once it struck the main truck.

"Don't worry about that; they quite expect to pay more than this trumpery is worth, because it's all for charity. Now skip along, my hearties! And come back home if you get tired, no matter whether you've sold all your truck or not. I'll buy whatever you have left." So waving good-byes to the group looking after them, the children pranced gaily down the driveway and out into the street.

"I heard it cracking as I went over," called the driver of the first truck. "I shouted a warning to you, but it was too late." "Yes, it was too late to save the bridge, but maybe I can get my truck off," the other driver went on. "Anyhow, none of the children is hurt." And this was so something for which the Sunday school officers were very glad, indeed.

Soon I overtake an individual doing penance for his sins by crawling on his stomach all the way to Benares, the Mecca of the Hindoo religion. In addition to crawling, he is dragging a truck containing his personal effects by a rope tied about his waist. Every fifty yards or so he stands up and stretches himself; then he lies prostrate again and worms his wearisome way along the road like a snake.

I've a biggish outfit of Eskimo, and the usual truck of the summer trail, back there on the river that comes out of the east. We've got this territory cached with food dumps and things, and we're out, scattered miles over the country, beating it for pelts with trap and gun. Guess we figger to stop right out till it starts in to freeze up.

The sacrament was then administered to all, the galley slaves freed from their chains, and the standard of the Holy League, the figure of the Crucified Savior, was raised to the truck of the flagship. As the Christians streamed down from the straits to meet their enemy, they faced a serious peril.

"I hope I'll be forgiven for never paying heed to fruit tramps fruit workers before," she said soberly. "From now on I aim to. Though I shan't find none like you-all, with a Seth Thomas clock and suchlike." After the truck ride from Jersey even a fifteen-dollar automobile was luxury, with its roomy seats and two folding seats that let down between.