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Rest remained, as its name implied, restful, and the barbaric yell of the cheap tripper, together with the equally barbaric scream of the cheap tripper's 'young lady' echoed chiefly through modernised and vulgarised Riversford, where there were tea-rooms and stuffy eating-houses and bad open-air concerts, such as trippers and their 'ladies' delight in, and seldom disturbed the tranquil charm of the tiny mediaeval village dear to a certain few scholars, poets and antiquarians who, through John Walden, had gradually become acquainted with this 'priceless bit' as they termed it, of real 'old' England and who almost feared to mention its existence even in a whisper, lest it should be 'swarmed over' by enquiring Yankees, searching for those everlasting ancestors who all managed so cleverly to cross the sea together in one boat, the Mayflower.

We entered Little Tripper's Lake towards evening, at the north end, and looking down south, one of the most beautiful views imaginable opened upon our vision.

He had taken lodgings at Tripper's house, and when not at work with his brush spent much of his time on board the Enterprise. Bessy Tripper was a conspicuous figure in the foreground of many of his sketches, and occupied as prominent a place in his thoughts. She was as sweet-tempered as she was pretty, and at last Will Robson made up his mind to marry her if she would take him.

"Run up the foresail and haul in the starboard-sheet. That will bring her head round." "Now let go the cable and hawser." There was a sharp rattle of chains, and the cry "All free!" "Slack off that weather-sheet and haul down on the lee-sheet," was Tripper's next order. "Not too much. Have you got the jib hooked on to the traveller? Out with it, then. Now, up with her.

"Wall, if you did, I warn't speakin' to you," said Jacob Dennison, surlily. "Well, when you speak in school, address yourself to me," said Keith. He caught Euphronia Tripper's eyes on him. "I mought an' I moughtn't," said Jacob, insolently. "I propose to see that you do." Jacob's reply was something between a grunt and a sneer, and the school rustled with a sound very much like applause.