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Now he once more took hold of Armand by the elbow, but quite gently, more like a comrade who is glad to have met another, and is preparing to enjoy a pleasant conversation for a while. He led the way back to the gate, the sentinel saluting at sight of the tricolour scarf which was visible underneath his cloak. Under the stone rampart Chauvelin paused. It was quiet and private here.

Ferrol picked up the tricolour and handed it to the Regimental Surgeon. "I could have done it alone, I believe," he said; "and, upon my soul, I'm sorry for the poor devils. Suppose we were Englishmen in France, eh?" The fight was over. The childish struggle against misrule had come to a childish end. The little toy loyalists had been broken all to pieces.

The boy was in a white blaze. "They won't see it till broad daylight!" he panted, pressing. "And by that time the Gentleman, if he's hanging about, will see it too. If they haul it down then and run up the tricolour, he'll think it's a decoy." There was something contagious about the lad's white-hot enthusiasm. The light was coming and going in the Parson's eyes.

The next day, the Alabama being in the vicinity of the crossing of the 30th parallel by the San Roque and India-bound United States ships, sail was shortened, and a bright look-out kept, but until nearly sunset nothing was seen; and when, at length, "Sail, ho!" was cried, and the Confederate cruiser on nearing the stranger showed the Yankee colours, it was replied to by the tricolour of France.

Peter's Restaurant was searched last night, and several arrests were made, among them officers of the National Guard suspected of complicity in the Tricolour Brassard Plot. The Restaurant is closed. The heaviest firing to-day has been against the Point du Jour. Large pieces of Marine Artillery have been placed on the ramparts behind Montrouge.

The Lilies of France lie trampled under foot in the shambles they have made of that fair land, whilst overhead the tricolour that symbol of the new trinity, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity is flaunted in the breeze. Bellecour, the most arrogant of arrogants, had stood firm, and desperately contrived through all these months of revolution to maintain his dominion in his corner of Picardy.

We may add here that M. de Brazza did good work for the French tricolour in exploring the land north of the Congo and Ubangi rivers; he founded several stations, which were to develop into the great French Congo colony. Rev. Meanwhile events had transpired in Europe which served to give stability to these undertakings.

The tricolour flag is riddled with grapeshot and Général Michel has fallen.

Such a day cannot be too long, and at a quarter past seven vast crowds had collected before the Hotel de Ville. Here a surprise was in store for the boldest Three Eighter going. The tricolour had been hoisted down, and replaced, not by a red flag, but by a large transparency, showing the following device in red letters upon a white ground: FETE INTERNATIONALE DU TRAVAIL, 1er Mai 1893.

The tricolour they have learnt since the 18th of March to look on as the colours of their foes." These words aroused intense indignation. One of the speakers who followed referred to him as the Prodigal Son of the German Fatherland, who had deserted his father's house. Bismarck repudiated the epithet. "I am not a prodigal son," he said; "my father's house is Prussia and I have never left it."