United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The progress of an industrial scientific culture is geometric. It goes n-times as many jumps as it takes. More than geometric exponential. Confidentially, Micro's Math chief tells me we're currently on a fourth-power progress curve trending into a fifth." "You mean we're goin' so fast we got to watch out we don't bump ourselves in the rear when we come around again?"

Beyond Champa, the coast trending southward, India of the Ganges and the Golden Chersonese. Land of Gold Land of Gold! are they not forever pointing southward? But it is not of gold or wholly gold that now I think! Aurea Chersonesus maketh a vast peninsula, greater maybe than Italy, Greece and Spain taken together. But I will round it, and I will come to the mouth of Ganges!

The tideway being crowded with craft of all sorts, navigation was exceedingly difficult for a heavily-laden ship in tow, especially in that awkward reach between Greenwich and Blackwall, where the river, after trending south by east, makes an abrupt turn almost due north.

A ridge of breakers ran off north a couple of miles from our station; a low point, bearing West 16 degrees South about eight or nine miles, with an opening trending in south intervening, with some slightly elevated land bearing South 34 degrees West about four or five leagues, terminated our view to the westward.

The land was now found trending more and more to the south. They had reached a latitude considerably below that of the mouth of the Mississippi, as ascertained by La Salle, upon his first visit. The whole aspect of the country seemed changed. There were immense treeless prairies continually opening before them, crowded with game, and especially with immense herds of horses and buffaloes.

Started at 8.30 a.m. on a bearing of 305 degrees. At eight miles crossed a gum creek, with polyganum, running to the north. At twelve miles crossed another, trending in the same direction. These creeks are wide and formed into numerous channels.

Where, however, the Caspian ends, its shore trending away to the northward, there succeeds to this mere strip of territory a broad and ample tract of sandy plain, extending from about the 54th to the 68th degree of east longitude a distance of 760 miles and reaching from the 36th to the 50th parallel of north latitude a distance not much short of a thousand miles!

And trending afterwards to the North, we found another land high full of thicke woods, the trees whereof were firres, cipresses and such like as are wont to grow in cold Countreys. They cloth themselues with Beares skinnes and Luzernes and Seales and other beasts skinnes.

General Bradley had four regiments in line in the woods on the ridge, with the left towards the Rally Hill road and the right trending away towards the pike. They faced in a southeasterly direction. To cover more ground there were short gaps between the regiments.

Set high upon the further slope of it, from here invisible, the Grand Hotel fronted as he knew the eastward trending coast. Carteret wished the distance less, since he craved the shelter of that friendly yellow-washed caravanserai.