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We must get ready to `shoot' the trawl." "You are not going to fire?" cried Nell in alarm, hearing him use the technical term he had employed. "I'm so afraid of guns." "No, my dear," he answered chuckling, "I meant pitching the trawl over the side, just in the same way as you say `shooting' coals or rubbish. Are you ready at your end, Strong?"

"The trawl, ma'am, is a very simple contrivance when it is understood; and, by your leave, I'll try and make it plain to you. It consists of an ordinary net, like a seine, which you've seen, of course?" "Yes," replied his questioner, "I have seen them dragging the seine, as it is called, down on the beach often."

The center of the ground furnishes good trawl fishing from May 1 to September. The principal catch is large cod, but a smaller amount of hake, cusk, and pollock are taken also. Bank Comfort. This is a comparatively little known fishing ground lying SE. by S. from Mount Desert Rock. distant 12 or 13 miles. It is said to be 5 miles long, SW. and NE., by 3 miles wide.

But the cook said: "The luck iss in two pieces. You will find it so when you look. I know." This so tickled Long Jack that he overbore Tom Platt and the two went out together. Underrunning a trawl means pulling it in on one side of the dory, picking off the fish, rebaiting the hooks, and passing them back to the sea again something like pinning and unpinning linen on a wash-line.

An old swell was running, and he speedily discovered that seasickness was another thing his will could not master. That afternoon he watched Percy skilfully handle the splitting-knife and later do his part in baiting the trawl. On the morning following he went out lobstering, and found as much to interest him as on the day before. Everything was new to him.

One of the curious results of this flood was that Bob was always more prompt to the summons to haul up the trawl than he had ever been before, more energetic in clawing the net inboard, and more eager to see and examine the contents of the cod-end. The explanation is simple.

Now let's take these tubs of trawl aboard the sloop." At six the Barracouta, carrying the five boys and towing the dory, started from Sprowl's Cove for Matinicus. It was so calm that the sails were of little assistance, and they had to depend almost entirely on the engine. Rounding Brimstone Point, they headed slightly north of west for Seal Island, about six miles away.

Jim was spattered with scales from head to foot, and drenched with water from the splashing tails. He stopped for a moment to rest. "Now you see what oil-clothes are good for," said he. "I'll give you your chance in a little while." Percy had kept the Barracouta near by as Jim pulled the dory along the trawl.

Near the center of Cape Cod Bay, on a line between Race Point and Cape Cod Canal, lies a rocky elevation on which cod are taken, known as Eagle Ledge or Bay Ledge, and by Provincetown fishermen as Red Bank. It has a depth of 13 fathoms. Cape Cod Bay has a considerable Industry in flounder dragging, the fish being taken by a small type of otter trawl.

At last he could stand it no longer. "Come aboard the sloop, Whittington," he ordered. "I'll finish pulling the trawl." Percy obeyed sullenly. He had almost reached his limit of physical endurance, and he was only too glad of relief for his smarting skin and aching muscles. Fishing was a miserable business, and he wanted no part of it; on that he was fully decided.