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How much greater is this liability when the thing thus rendered is twice removed from its original source and form! The original manuscripts had no punctuation and no verse divisions; these were all arbitrarily supplied by the translators later on.

REFERENCES: Pending the desirable work of a more competent Brehon Law Commission and translators, the subject must be studied in the six volumes of Ancient Laws of Ireland, produced by the first Commission, from 1865 to 1901, ignoring the long introductions and many of the notes. By W.H. GRATTAN FLOOD, Mus.

Florian, Richardson, Sterne, Rousseau, and Bernardin de St. Pierre found first translators, and then imitators, and soon the loud-sounding declamation and wordy ecstatic despair of the stage heroes were drowned in the deep-drawn sighs and plaintive wailings of amorous swains and peasant-maids forsaken.

If an academy should be established for the cultivation of our style which I, who can never wish to see dependence multiplied, hope the spirit of English liberty will hinder or destroy let them, instead of compiling grammars and dictionaries, endeavor, with all their influence, to stop the license of translators, whose idleness and ignorance, if it be suffered to proceed, will reduce us to babble a dialect of France.

Samuel Butler's translation, which is lively and modern and much to be preferred to the heavy archaisms of the other fellows." Elizabeth gave a slight cough. The Squire looked at her sharply. 'Oh, you think that's not dignified? Well, have it as you like. Elizabeth altered the phrase to 'other translators. The Squire resumed.

This estimate does not include two famous translators, Doctor Cristobal de Figueroa, in his Pastor Fido, and Don Juan de Jauregui, in his Aminta, wherein by their felicity they leave it in doubt which is the translation and which the original. But tell me, are you printing this book at your own risk, or have you sold the copyright to some bookseller?"

It was merely a pro forma question; they had enough German translators on the staff. So the interrogation went on. They were going to make sure of their man, in whom, I must say, they took little interest save when they learnt that he had passed a Civil Service examination in Russian and another in International Law. At that moment though I may be mistaken they seemed to prick up their ears.

Nevertheless the Authorized Version is pure Elizabethan. All its translators were Elizabethans, as their dedication to King James, still printed with every copy, gratefully acknowledges in its reference to 'the setting of that bright Occidental Star, Queen Elizabeth of most happy memory. These words of the reverend scholars contain no empty compliment.

It is when men can get a certain amount of information rather easily that they are tempted to seek further in order to solve the problems that present themselves. There are three great translators whose work meant much for the Middle Ages at this time.

And when she was not teaching arithmetic, she was giving little dictations, setting little themes, controlling some fifty young and very free translators of Le Philosophe sous les Toils. Miss Quincey had a passion for figures and for everything that could be expressed in figures.