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Though the youth at last grows indifferent, the laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive. Listen to every zephyr for some reproof, for it is surely there, and he is unfortunate who does not hear it. We cannot touch a string or move a stop but the charming moral transfixes us.

He combines Roman outline with Venetian color; but love is fatal to his work, love not merely transfixes his heart, but sends his arrow through the brain, deranges the course of his life, and sets the victim describing the strangest zigzags.

If one goes wrong in the least thing, even in one's spelling, you say something that sounds as pleasant as possible, and all the same it transfixes one just as you stick a pin through a beetle. You are very hard, you are mean with those who would like to be friends with you.

A skillful husband may often gain a great advantage from a scene of unexaggerated sentimentality. He enters, he sees the lover and transfixes him with a glance. As soon as the celibate retires, he falls at the feet of his wife, he declaims a long speech, in which among other phrases there occurs this: "Why, my dear Caroline, I have never been able to love you as I should!"

Monet is also an incomparable painter of water. Pond, river, or sea he knows how to differentiate their colouring, their consistency, and their currents, and he transfixes a moment of their fleeting life. He is intuitive to an exceptional degree in the intimate composition of matter, water, earth, stone or air, and this intuition serves him in place of intellectuality in his art.

The snake that darts upon its unconscious prey less fleet and fatal! It touches thy form it transfixes thy beautiful breast! Was there no good spirit, then, to save thee, thou hope of the hopeless? Alas, alas! the blood gushes from thy breast, and from thine azure beak! Thy transcendent eye grows dim all is over! The carrier-pigeon falls to the earth! Another Message

His method is narrow, but it is deep. He rushes to the essentials of a human being tears out his vitals, as it were and, with a few repeated master-strokes, transfixes the naked soul.

During the whole proceeding a band of twenty-six musicians, some of whom occupy an elevated platform, delights with a "concord of sweet sounds" the assembled sportsmen. Within this space nearly a hundred boars and pigs may be counted. The ground being marshy, the monarch occupies a boat in the centre, and from this transfixes the game with his arrows.

At nine precisely let all be at my palace to hear my final orders. VERRINA. I take the harbor. BOURGOGNINO. I the soldiers. CALCAGNO. I will learn the watchword. SACCO. I will reconnoitre Genoa. Did they not struggle against the word subordination as the worm against the needle which transfixes it? But 'tis too late, republicans. My lord

What years of horror in one such night! Would not this explain my poor father's hesitation, and my cousin Monica's apparently disproportioned opposition? When an idea of terror presents itself to a young person's mind, it transfixes and fills the vision, without respect of probabilities or reason.