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So he did not stir, but watched the rise of the dawn. * This ditch or dry moat is about 30 feet deep and 50 feet wide. The counterscarp by which one may descend into it has an angle of 45 degrees. Trans. When at eight o'clock some policemen and keepers came by, searching the ditch, they did not perceive him. As he had anticipated, the hunt had begun at the first glimmer of light.

Mutations also occur in which part or whole of the upper side is white and unpigmented. Several such specimens are mentioned in the memoir by myself and Dr. MacMunn in the Phil. Trans. already cited, one being a Sole which was entirely white on the lower side, and also on the upper, which was pigmented only over the head region from the free edge of the operculum forwards.

Knowledge through intellection can alone reach a truth independent of time; that through sensation is always relative, true for the time only. Eng. trans., London, 1847. Henry Maudsley, Body and Mind, p. 22. “States of Pleasure are connected with an increase, states of Pain with an abatement of some or all of the vital functions.” A. Bain, Mind and Body, p. 59.

All property is divided among them, and thus the piling up of large hereditary fortunes is prevented. Trans. "Dear me!" said Narcisse, whom the throng prevented from advancing. "We shall never get in. Why, they seem to have invited the whole city."

There were two accidents, but nothing serious; one gentleman, who was unseated, sprained his wrist badly, and another broke his leg."* * The Roman Hunt, which counts about one hundred subscribers, has flourished since 1840. There is a kennel of English hounds, an English huntsman and whip, and a stable of English hunters. Trans.

Tibi jam brachia contrahit ardens Scorpius. Virg. Georg. l. 1. 34. A new star appeared in Cassiope's chair in 1572. Herschel's Construction of the Heavens. Phil. Trans. Flax Five males and five females. It was first found on the banks of the Nile. The Linum Lusitanicum, or portigal flax, has ten males: see the note on Curcuma.

He supposes this to have been emitted from some distant earthquake or volcano. Philos. Trans. V. LIII. p. 63. In many circumstances this wind seems much to resemble the dry fog which covered most parts of Europe for many weeks in the summer of 1780, which has been supposed to have had a volcanic origin, as it succeeded the violent eruption of Mount Hecla, and its neighbourhood.

And so, though no reconciliation could take place between the black world and the white world,* intermediate tints were already appearing, and some unexpected matrimonial alliances were contracted. * The "blacks" are the supporters of the papacy, the "whites" those of the King of Italy. Trans.

J. Starkie Gardner, from a recent comparison of the plant-remains of Antrim and Mull, concludes that "that they might belong to any age between the beginning and the end of the warmer Eocene period; and that they cannot be of earlier, and are unlikely to be of later, date." Trans. Palæont. Soc., vol. xxxvii. . The following should also be consulted: Gen.

* "Sprinkle me, Lord, with hyssop, and purify me; wash me, and make me whiter than snow." Trans. Benedetta on seeing the Cardinal appear carrying the Holy Oils, had with a long quiver fallen on her knees at the foot of the bed, whilst, somewhat farther away, Pierre and Victorine likewise knelt, overcome by the dolorous grandeur of the scene.