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All who are acquainted with recent French history will be aware that Barroux' narrative is simply a passage from the life of the late M. Floquet, slightly modified to suit the requirements of M. Zola's story. Trans. Then he sprang to his feet and struck his chest, whilst his voice again rose: "Well, I've had more than enough of all that calumny and falsehood!

In a later chapter, when we continue the chequered history of Acadia, we shall see that her fortunes from this time become more closely connected with those of the greater and more favoured colony of France in the valley of the St. Lawrence. See Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. x., sec. 2, p. 93. The details which make D'Aunay so cruel and relentless are denied by a Mr.

Trans. by A. MOORE. There is so much similarity between the mythology of the early Greeks and that of many of the Asiatic nations, that we give place here to the supposed meditations of a Hindu prince and skeptic on the great subject of a future state of existence, as a fitting close of our brief review of the religious beliefs of the ancients.

* Different-coloured tickets are issued for these trains; it is for this reason that they are called the white, blue, and grey trains, etc. Trans. Pierre fancied that he could hear those flying trains, those trains from everywhere, all converging towards the same rocky cavity where the tapers were blazing.

R. S. Phil. Trans., 1774. Ibid, 1783. Observations on the Spots on the Sun, etc., 4 degrees; London and Edinburgh, 1863. Periodicitat der Sonnenflecken. Astron. Nach. R.S. Phil. Trans. "Researches on Solar Physics," by De la Rue, Stewart and Loewy; R. S. Phil. Trans., 1869, 1870. "The Sun as Photographed on the K line"; Knowledge, London, 1903, p. 229. R. S. Proc., xv., 1867, p. 256.

For your information, tomorrow morning I'm putting in for a transfer to another unit!" "What!" exclaimed Tom. "You can't trans " "Yes, I can," interrupted Roger. "Read your Academy regs. Anyone can request a transfer once the unit has passed its manuals." "And what excuse are you going to use," snapped Astro bitterly. "That you can't take it?" "A personality difference, Astro, my boy.

Ellis, the males and females are on different plants. Philos. Trans. Vol. LVII. It twice changes its colour, from red to brown, and then to black; and changes its form by losing its lower leaves, and elongating some of the upper ones, so as to be mistaken by the unskilful for different plants. It grows on the shores of this country.

Though in the main Perp., it contains examples of earlier work. The S. doorway is Norm, or Trans. The Perp. W. tower, with triple belfry windows, has unusually short buttresses for a tower of its class. Brewham, South, a village 3 m. N.E. of Bruton.

* The reader should remember that the period selected for this narrative is the year 1894. Leo XIII was born in 1810. Trans. Silence fell. At every moment Narcisse craned his neck to see if the little papal cortege were not emerging from the Gallery of the Tapestries to pass them on its way to the gardens.

Old Greece a tale of Athos would make out, Cut from the continent and sailed about; Seas bid with navies, chariots passing o'er The channel on a bridge from shore to shore; Rivers, whose depths no sharp beholder sees, Drunk, at an army's dinner, to the lees; With a long legend of romantic things, Which, in his cups, the browsy poet sings. Tenth Satire. Trans. by DRYDEN.