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Drunk indeed he was; not hilariously, as one who celebrated his good fortune, but sullenly, tragically, hideously drunk. Old Belllounds leaped off the porch. His gray hair stood up like the mane of a lion. Like a giant's were his strides. With a lunge he met his reeling son, swinging a huge fist into the sodden red face. Limply Jack fell to the ground.

If the faculty and heart for it be in him, he, strangely and almost tragically if we look upon his history, is to have leave to try it; he now, at the eleventh hour, has the opportunity for such a feat in reform as has not, in these late generations, been attempted by all our reformers put together.

This was the most sentimental impression I think I had yet received, for a child is somewhat deaf to the sentimental. In the last, a poet, who had been tragically wrangling with his wife, walked forth on the sea-beach on a tempestuous night and witnessed the horrors of a wreck. Different as they are, all these early favourites have a common note they have all a touch of the romantic.

I drew my chair closer to him, as I said tragically: "Mrs. Quintin never had a child." "This rather staggered the good old doctor, who had just come from the house, where he had examined and weighed the infant. He started up from his chair, and, drawing back, exclaimed: "What do you mean? Explain yourself."

"Will chamomile tea bring back a lost pocket-book?" demanded the professor sharply. "Oh, Lor'! you don't say you lost your money?" "Yes, I do!" said Riccabocca, glaring at her. "Oh, dear! do you think there's pickpockets in the car?" asked the old lady nervously. "Very likely," answered the professor tragically.

It was queer and pitiful, but by no means unprecedented. She might be not much of an alienist, as Dr. Irechester had been kind enough to suggest to Mr. Naylor, but she had seen such cases herself even stranger ones, where even higher Powers suffered impersonation, with effects still more tragically absurd to onlookers.

With other men the pleasure of excessive drinking is such that it requires an heroic effort of the will to resist it. There are men who not only are so constituted that it is their greatest pleasure, but who are even born with a craving for drink. In no form is the terrible fact of heredity more clearly or more tragically displayed.

The statement was so startling that in spite of all her preparatory discussion with herself, she turned on him tragically. "For God's sake, why?" "Well, because I'm awfully fond of you, you know." His expression touched her. There was no mistaking the kindliness in his eyes, or the look of rather wan beseeching in his thin, pinched face.

Clytie paused tragically. "Of course, if she hadn't taken her money out to spend it on herself she wouldn't have lost it!" "I don't care!" burst out the culprit, her big dark eyes, just like her mother's, flashing from under her brown curls, and her red lips set defiantly. "It was my own money, anyhow, if I did lose it. I earned it all myself. It wasn't yours!" "Oh! Oh!

He was ready to let it ruin his whole future. He would never have flinched never have known, or admitted if he had known what he had foregone. But the thing was taken out of his control altogether the girl married another man! "When Con came to himself again, he told me, Betty told me so simply, so tragically, that I saw what a deep cut the experience had made in his life how it had humbled him.