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The skill with which long practice had enabled our cicerone to turn these involuntary hitches of his discourse into rhetorical flourishes, and well-nigh to make them seem a new kind of conjunction, would have been invaluable to the Dean's old servant Patrick, but in that sad presence his grotesqueness was as shocking as the clown in one of Shakespeare's tragedies to Châteaubriand.

I rejoiced at her happiness, and sought her on calm quiet evenings ah, nobody thinks of my clear eye and my silent glance! Alas! my rose ran wild, like the rose bushes in the garden of the parsonage. There are tragedies in every-day life, and to-night I saw the last act of one.

Nice is literally infested with doubtful characters, for, being so near the frontier, numbers of Italian vagabonds, who have been in prison and find it best to leave their country, assemble here, and tragedies are constantly occurring. There are also many wretched desperadoes from the gaming-tables. On one occasion, two men attacked an old lady who was reading a placard on a wall.

He knew well enough what he had stumbled across one of the tragedies that in the North are likely to be found in the wake of every widespread blizzard. Some unfortunate traveler, blinded by the white swirl, had wandered from the trail and had staggered up a draw to his death. With a little digging the Alaskan uncovered a leg. The man had died where he had fallen, face down.

But I knew the Abbe Conti well; the same that was Newton's friend, and whose four tragedies contain the whole of Roman history." "I also knew and admired him. I was young, but I congratulated myself on being admitted into the society of these great men. It seems as if it were yesterday, though it is many years ago; and now in your presence my inferiority does not humiliate me.

In our griefs do we not stand alone, who have in our hearts the fierce desires of love and all the tragedies of despair? Now, as the young bride turned her slow feet up the mountain, down where her glad feet had turned as a maid, she sat her there by the lake. The little creatures she was wont to love and understand gathered about her and wondered at her state.

He found in it the big New Testament and some skeins of thread, together with an octavo or two of theology and of Greek tragedies; but the Arminian was not in it, and was gone from the custody of the valiant Deventer for ever. After a brief period Madame de Groot was released and rejoined her husband.

I have often thought some of the blackest tragedies of the earth might have been averted if there had been a true friend to stand at the wrung one's elbow at the fatal minute of decision and point to the sun behind, just when the black ahead grew unendurable. Please follow Mr. Brownley that you may be ready, should his awakening to what he has done become unbearable.

The idea that the failure of one bank or shoe factory was of advantage to other banks and shoe factories, had not stood the test of experience. The tragedies of the nineties had showed conclusively that an injury to one part of the commercial fabric was an injury to all of its parts. The generation of business men trained since 1900 has had no illusions about competition.

If what I guess at is true, of all the tragedies of existence I ever knew this is the saddest, and yet so full of meaning! Do not ask me any questions, I have said more than I meant to already; but I am involved in strange doubts and perplexities, in dangers too, very possibly, and it is a relief just to speak ever so guardedly of them to an early and faithful friend. Yours ever, BERNARD.