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Vesta Custis was only twenty years old when the townsfolk thought she must be twenty-five, so long had she been the beauty of Somerset.

The Portuguese are right so far that, if the place must be surrendered, there is no reason for any longer exposing the troops and the townsfolk to the French bombardment. Therefore it is imperative that, if we are to make our way out, we must do so before the place surrenders. "We agreed, yesterday, as to the best line to take.

Day by day the people labored, the townsfolk helping to gather the peasants' goods, both classes waylaying the French supply-trains, and hiding every article of use in vast underground chambers constructed for the purpose.

"Eh! and pray why dare not one speak of it, you great simpleton?" said an old soldier, twisting up his moustache. "It is not spoken of because it burns the tongue. Do you understand that?" "No, I don't understand it." "Well, nor I neither; but certain citizens told it to me." Here a general laugh interrupted him. "Ha, ha, ha! is he a fool?" said one. "He listens to what the townsfolk tell him."

He was a portly and well-favoured man, not old, and as he came down the street to the marketplace at the hill foot he laughed and talked with one and another of the townsfolk, whether high or low, in very pleasant wise.

As a result of his efforts, 'all that part of the pier to the west end of the harbour' was erected, and yet he complains that, though it was the means of preserving a large section of the town from the sea, the townsfolk would not interest themselves in the repairs necessitated by force of the waves. 'I wish, with all my heart, he exclaims, 'the next generation may have more public spirit.

Near the summit lie the early settlers of the town; and in a conspicuous place upon the brow of the acclivity stands a row of tombstones several rods in length. These mark the graves of an ancient and honorable family of townsfolk. At one end, a thick slab of red sandstone, of uncouth shape and rude appearance, leans aslant, partly buried in the mellow soil.

The answer moved the Spaniard to remark that "the English had no less reason in departing, than courage in attempting," a remark made with a mental note that the townsfolk would be well advised to leave this Drake alone on his island, without sending boats out to attack him.

The army of the Romans besieged Corioli, that was a town of the Volsci; and while they were busy with the siege, and thought only of the townsfolk that were shut in the town, there came upon them of a sudden an army of the Volscians from Antium, and at the same time the townsfolk sallied forth from the city.

Several of our pranks won us such a reputation among the townsfolk, that we were credited with having a large finger in whatever went amiss in the place. One morning, about a week after my admission into the secret order, the quiet citizens awoke to find that the signboards of all the principal streets had changed places during the night.