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It was the nightly gathering point of such actors as were in town, such writers, such wits, such gallant gentlemen.

I was sent along with the two tents, and arrived in the evening at a negro town called Farani: here we pitched the tents in an open place at no great distance from the town. May 1.

You will now, I trust, be fitted to become my confidant and my assistant; you will advise with me how, for the sake of humanity, we should act together against the incarnate lie, the anomalous prodigy which glides through the crowd in the image of joyous beauty. For the present I quit you. I have an engagement, on worldly affairs, in the town this night.

Honored sir, your most assured friend, ... However, in spite of his difficulties, he was able to boast that "I have ... in one town, ... baptized about 32, young and old, and administered the Holy Sacrament to 18, who never received it before.

Old Charlestown being found an inconvenient place for the seat of government, the present Charleston became the metropolis of South Carolina. This situation was deemed so unhealthy, that directions were given to search out some other position for a town. The seat of government, however, remained unaltered until the connexion with Great Britain was dissolved.

As one of the most important bases of the German army in France, the town was continually filled with troops of every regiment, who stayed a little while and then passed on. Meanwhile the permanent troops in occupation of the town settled down and made themselves thoroughly at home.

When the meeting was ended, the friends of the town taking notice that I was the man that had been at their meeting the week before, whom they then did not know, some of them came and spoke lovingly to me, and would have had me stay with them; but Edward Burrough going home with Isaac Penington, he invited me to go back with him, which I willingly consented to, for the love I had more particularly to Edward Burrough, through whose ministry I had received the first awakening stroke, drew me to desire his company; and so away we rode together.

It's a dangerous thing, you know, to advise a man to run away." "Dine with me in town on Wednesday, and you can tell me which it is." "You don't seem to be much afraid of my anger." "I think perhaps your gratitude might be the more dangerous of the two."

"Now here's the Gay Cat that's what we call a fellow who is the finder, who enters a town ahead of the gang. Then there's Chi Fat that means he's from Chicago and fat. And Pitts Slim he's from Pittsburgh and " "Aw, cut it," broke in one of the others. "Pitts Slim'll be here to-night. He'll give you the devil if he hears you talking to reporters about him."

Finding the troops well disposed, he exacted from them a new oath of fidelity to the Emperor, and to live and die for the good cause. A hundred of Buttler's dragoons were sent from the Castle into the town to patrol the streets, to overawe the partisans of the Duke, and to prevent tumult.