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"Je suis pere de famille!... Je suis un soldat de France!... Dans les tranchees pour cinq mois!... Qu'est-ce que mes camarades vont dire, 'cre nom de Dieu? et mon capitaine? C'est emmordant apres toute ma service comme brave soldat. Mais, quoi donc, mon vieux!" "Viens donc, saligaud," growled the agent de police. The crowd was against the policeman.

Les cochons etant faits pour etre manges, nous mangeons du porc toute l'annee." At Athens the laws did not constantly interfere with the tastes of the people. The children were not taken from their parents by that universal step-mother, the state.

"'Aux petits des oiseaux il donne la pâture, Et sa bonté s'étend sur toute la nature." He was pious in his soldierly way, and ardently loyal to Church and King. His family seat was Candiac; where, in the intervals of campaigning, he found repose with his wife, his children, and his mother, who was a woman of remarkable force of character and who held great influence over her son.

"Toute la politique," she said, "est fondée sur trois mots circonstances, conjectures et conjonctures;" and like many leaders of action she was in her moments a fatalist, for then she saw how little after all, the greatest, as Bismarck says, can control events.

I secretly called upon the name of Marriott with fervency, and I looked round with more anxiety than ever Bluebeard's wife, or 'Anne, sister Anne! looked to see if any body was coming: nothing was to be seen but the grass blown by the wind no Marriott to throw herself toute eploree between the combatants no peace-officers to bind us over to our good behaviour no deliverance at hand; and Mrs.

The captains remained a few moments behind, the Saxons silently gazing on the King, the Normans whispering each other, in great doubt and trouble, and darting looks of the bitterest scorn at their feeble benefactor. Then, as with one accord, these last rushed along the corridor, gained the hall where their countrymen yet assembled, and exclaimed, "A toute bride! Franc etrier! All is lost but life!

He paused, and they stood breathless and enchained, while the violin trembled under the hand of its master, vibrant and penetrating. "What is it she says?" Max whispered the words. Blake's reply was to murmur the burden of the song in the same hushed way as he had spoken the song of the Noctambule. "Depuis le jour je me suis donnée, toute fleurie semble ma destinée.

Avarice is satirized by the story of one of these Glonglims, who is occupied in making nails, and then dropping them into a well refusing to exchange them for bread or clothes, notwithstanding his starved, haggard appearance, and evident desire for the food proffered: "Mettant toute sa gloire et son souverain bien A grossir un tresor qui ne lui sert de rien."

Asseyez vous toute suite!" "Yes, sir," answered Penny, who had no sympathy with German, French, or any of these ludicrous languages. "Yes, sir, we had two, and one died." "Que voulez vous dire? Allez

"Toute leur etude etait de se complaire et de s'entr'aider." * PAUL ET VIRGINIE. At the foot of a steep, slippery, white hill, near Dunstable, in Bedfordshire, called Chalk Hill, there is a hut, or rather a hovel, which travellers could scarcely suppose could be inhabited, if they did not see the smoke rising from its peaked roof.