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"I am not surprised at it," answered Vincent; "but Rousseau is not the less a genius for all that: there is no story to bear out the style, and he himself is right when he says 'ce livre convient a tres peu de lecteurs. One letter would delight every one four volumes of them are a surfeit it is the toujours perdrix.

"We I " began Salvani, stammering. "My dear impresario," interrupted La Luciola, laughing, "let us make short work of it. I will tell you why I came, and, in the meantime, you can collect your thoughts. Well, then, I am growing tired at La Scala; Donizetti, Bellini, and whatever other names your great composers bear, are very good fellows, but, you know, toujours perdrix."

We sat up till two this morning talking of Corinne.... I have been obliged to sing "Deep in Love" so often for my handsome host, and every time it is as for you I sing it. The letter concludes with the words, 'Aimons toujours comme a l'ordinaire. The pair may have loved, but they were continually quarrelling, and their intimacy was finally broken a year or two later.

So he will be able to affirm with Boileau that his thoughts are everywhere open to the light of the day, and that his verse always says something, whether it says it well or ill: Ma pensée au grand jour partout s'offre et s'expose, Et mon vers, bien ou mal, dit toujours quelque chose: while of the writers previously described it may be asserted, in the words of the same poet, that they talk much and never say anything at all quiparlant beaucoup ne disent jamais rien.

Tant de traverses et de malheurs toujours arrives en son absence l'ont fait resoudre a ne se fier plus a personne et a conduire lui-meme tout son monde, tout son equipage, et toute son entreprise, de laquelle il esperoit une heureuse conclusion."

The horse was soon out of sight, making bounds that would have cleared a house if one had been in the way. The rider got up, pulled his hat from over his eyes, brushed some mud off his clothes, and came up to shake hands as if nothing had happened; his motto apparently being toujours la politesse. "My word, can't he buck, Poss!" said the child. "He chucked you all right, didn't he?"

Prince Alexander, Imperial General against the Turks, and Heir-Apparent of Wurtemberg withal, can speak of many things, hardly much of his serene Cousin the reigning Duke; whose health is in a too interesting state, the good though unlucky man. Of the Gravenitz sitting now in limbo, or travelling about disowned, TOUJOURS UN LAVEMENT SES TROUSSES, let there be deep silence.

I am use to zat, I am use to have persons smile reeseeblement, to tap zere fronts, an' spek of ze strait-jackets. Never fear, I am toujours harmless! Mais, Monsieur, it is true, vat I tell you: I am ze original inventeur of ze Atlantic Telegraph!

You need not tell me you have a design in all that you do, Willoughby Patterne." "You smell the autocrat? Yes, he can mould and govern the creatures about him. His toughest rebel is himself! If you see Clara . . . You wish to see her, I think you said?" "Her behaviour to Lady Busshe last night was queer." "If you will. She makes a mouth at porcelain. Toujours la porcelaine!