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By this time Diddie's eyes were swimming in tears, and Dumps was sobbing aloud; seeing which, Tot began to cry too, though she hadn't the slightest idea what was the matter; and Diddie, going to the side of the bed, smoothed the woman's long black hair, and said, "We'll take you home with us, an' we'll be good to your little boy, me an' Dumps an' Tot, an' I'll give 'im some of my marbles."

"Willie," she said, when they were all in the snug little log-cabin in which they lived, "I'm sure there's going to be a storm, and it may be snow. You had better prepare enough wood for two or three days; Nora will help bring it in." "Me, too!" said grave little Tot. "Yes, Tot may help too," said mamma. This simple little home was a busy place, and soon every one was hard at work.

The boat was to go under command of the gunner, and each man was supplied with a ration of biscuits, to be supplemented by a tot of grog before starting, which was to be just at dark, and the men, being all eager to find their young officer, who was a great favourite, lounged about waiting the order, a most welcome one on account of the grog; but just as the grog was being mixed in its proper proportions the gunner was sent for to the cabin, where the lieutenant was still bathing his eye.

But a man told her, when she broke down her diffidence and inquired, that he had seen a little tot in a red suit and cap going off that way. He had not thought anything of it. He was a stranger himself, he said, and he supposed the kid belonged there, maybe. Marie flew to the river, the man running beside her, and three or four others coming out of buildings to see what was the matter.

"You think that's it, eh?" rejoined Belward, as he tossed a shilling to a beggar. "Maybe, too, your great Saracen to this tot of a broncho, and the grand homme to little Jacques Brillon." Jacques was tired and testy. The other laid his whip softly on the half-breed's shoulder. "See, my peacock: none of that.

At such times as these, it was the custom, when the day's trek was done, to "win" as much wood as possible from the nearest station a sleeper was extremely useful build a huge fire, and sit round it in the approved manner, singing songs and drinking wassail, which latter occasionally worked out to as much as one tot per man, if you got there early. These were special occasions, however.

Here they rested meditating, however, fresh conquests. Oh, the Magyars soon showed themselves a mighty people. Besides Hungary and Transylvania, they subdued Bulgaria and Bosnia, and the land of Tot, now called Sclavonia. The generals of Zoltan, the son of Arpad, led troops of horsemen to the banks of the Rhine. One of them, at the head of a host, besieged Constantinople.

You may like being a beast, Major, but I don't. You'll hardly set up, I suppose, to be a god." "Hang it all, J. J.! I've forgotten how many shillings I had to carry, and now I shall have to begin the whole tot over again." "Hand it out to me," said Meldon, "and I'll settle the whole thing for you in two minutes." "Certainly not," said the Major. "I know your way of dealing with account books.

Robert's club friends who dropped around casual to date up for an after-luncheon game of billiards, or tip him off to a new cabaret act that was worth engagin' a table next to the gold ropes. Besides, holdin' quite a block of Corrugated stock, I expect Barry figured it as a day's work when he got me to show him the last semi-annual report and figure out what his dividends would tot up to.

"Well, well, don't go for to puzzle yer brains over it. That pictur' has nearly druv all the thinkin' men o' Cove mad, so we'll let it alone just now. Here's a man-o'-war, ye see; an' this is the steps for mountin' into the four-poster. It serves for a a some sort o' man, I forget Tot, you know " "An ottoman," said Tottie. "Ay, a ottyman by day, an' steps-an'-stairs at night. Look there!"