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Except for his meals, and a brief hour for his after-luncheon nap, he spent all his time there. For in the park old man Minick and all the old men gathered there found a Forum a safety valve a means of expression. It did not take him long to discover that the Park was divided into two distinct sets of old men.

The gardener was in despair as he was already behind with setting out the annuals. "Would Miss Marsh mind while Miss Wickham had her little after-luncheon nap !" Miss Marsh did mind. She loved flowers; to arrange them was a delight at least it had been once but she hated slugs.

"Good heavens, mother, they're married!" cried Zora, staring at a telegram she had just received. Mrs. Oldrieve woke with a start from her after-luncheon nap. "Who, dear?" "Why, Emmy and Septimus Dix. Read it." Mrs.

On a warm and sunny May afternoon, some ten months since Yeovil's return from his Siberian wanderings and sickness, Cicely sat at a small table in the open-air restaurant in Hyde Park, finishing her after-luncheon coffee and listening to the meritorious performance of the orchestra.

The afternoon is occupied until it is time to dress for dinner by visitors. With dinner comes Lady Esmondet, Trevalyon not having returned it is a tete-a-tete affair; afterwards in the salons, the conversation drifts from fair Italia, the after-luncheon visitors, and the London Times to Lionel.

The after-luncheon procedure had been carefully arranged between the two adventurers. The Count was to keep by the Baron's side, and, thus supported, negotiations were to be delicately opened. Accordingly, when the party rose, the Count whispered a word in Mr. Maddison's ear.

As the duchess and Lady Corisande had already inspected the castle, they disappeared after breakfast to write letters; and, when the after-luncheon expedition took place, Lothair allotted them to the care of Lord Carisbrooke, and himself became the companion of Lady St. Jerome and Theodora. Notwithstanding all his efforts in the smoking-room, St.

The directors settled themselves in their wadded arm-chairs; several yawned; some folded their hands over their ample stomachs. The June atmosphere was pleasantly conducive to the sort of after-luncheon introspection which is easily soothed by monotones of the human voice. And while Mr.

At about the time when Sam Marlowe was having the momentous interview with his father, described in the last chapter, Mr. Rufus Bennett woke from an after-luncheon nap in Mrs. Hignett's delightful old-world mansion, Windles, in the county of Hampshire. He had gone to his room after lunch, because there seemed nothing else to do.

Indeed, I have known people who couldn't stick it out for more than a few days. Before sitting down to the well-cooked, therefore, I sent this reply: Perplexed. Explain. Bertie. To this I received an answer during the after-luncheon sleep: What on earth is there to be perplexed about, ass? Come at once. Travers.