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I felt a boy's pity and sympathy for those houses that got up and took to their legs across the yellow waste. It did not seem fair. I have since experienced the same feeling for a jack-rabbit with the hounds a-yelp at its heels. But to swim this thing! To fight this cruel, invulnerable, resistless giant that went roaring down the world with a huge uprooted oak tree in its mouth for a toothpick!

"I have never given him the least right to say anything." "I almost wish you were safely married to him. He has not made a great success of his life, but he is your equal and his manners are perfect. I shall live in constant fear now of your marrying a horror with a twang and a toothpick." "I promise you I won't do that and that I never will marry Jack Emory."

Fashions and modes were slaves to her caprice, every new creation being dependent upon her approbation for its survivalthe carriage, the cheminée, sofa, bed, chair, fan, and even the étui and toothpick, were fashioned after her ideas. "She is the godmother and queen of the rococo." Such a eulogy, given by the De Goncourt brothers, is not shared by all critics.

I did as he advised, merely holding my pointed stick before me; though I knew that had the jaguar attacked us it would have been of little more use than a toothpick. Tim, however, ran boldly forward, and, to my surprise, doffing his hat, exclaimed "The top of the morning to ye, Mr Jaguar.

Before communication with the outside world closed with the freezing of the sea, about the 1st of November, C got out a letter which informed me of his safe arrival at Council and his settling down in the new quarters. It seems that not enough was found of the Mush-on at Chenik to make a toothpick.

"We call such chop-sticks komochi-hashi, chopstick with baby, because the toothpick inside the chopstick like the baby inside the mother. Very funny, I think." There were two kinds of soup excellent; there was cooked fish and raw fish in red and white slices, chastely served with ice; there were vegetables known and unknown, such as sweet potatoes, French beans, lotus stems and bamboo shoots.

The cussed critter was as heavy as lead; he was already reaching up after me with another claw when I remembered that I had in my vest pocket a toothpick that I had bought in Chicago, and that it had a knife attachment; I opened this, and in a moment slashed off the tail of my coat, and cataplun! ... down from a height of at least forty metres the lobster fell to the ground.

Aw, say, dere's nothin' to it, I can open dat old tin box wid a toothpick!" "Mabbe youse can, but mabbe de stuff ain't dere now mabbe it's in de bank," demurred the second voice. "Don't youse worry! It's dere! Where else would it be! Ain't I told youse it was near five o'clock when I went dere an' dat's after de banks are closed, ain't it? Well, wot d'youse say?"

And if it chanced to be a criminal trial, his eyes, in nine cases out of ten, would wander to the dock in search of the prisoner, in vain; for that gentleman would most likely be lounging among the most distinguished ornaments of the legal profession, whispering suggestions in his counsel's ear, or making a toothpick out of an old quill with his penknife.

So Curly rolled up his sleeve, and the doctor scratched his paw with a toothpick, and put some funny kind of yellow salve on it, and wrapped it up in a little celluloid cap to keep the snowflakes from it, and also that no mosquitos could bite it.