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She was ever a care-free, undisciplined creature, snapping her shapely fingers at bad weather, and riding for preference without a saddle as hoydenish a girl as one could encounter on a day's march. Her auburn ringlets ablow in the autumn wind, her cheeks whipped to a flush by the breeze's caress, and her eyes sparkling and brimful of tomboyish mischief and roguery!

She was not a pretty girl, but was a tremendously healthy one strong, well developed, and tomboyish in her activities. Yet she lacked magnetism and the popularity that little Bobby Hargrew, for instance, attained by the exercise of the very same traits Hester possessed. Hester antagonized almost everybody teachers and students alike. Even placid, peace-loving Mother Wit, found Hester incompatible.

We determined, however, to be very cautious in disclosing our plans to her. We would sound her, first, and make a regular engagement with her. "It will be a first-rate thing for me," said Corny, "to have a girl to go about with me, for mother said, yesterday, that it wouldn't do for me to be so much with boys. It looked tomboyish, she said, though she thought you two were very good for boys."

She had some of Ruth's dignity and more of Agnes' good looks. The twelve year old the fly-away the irrepressible what shall we say about her? That she laughed easily, cried stormily, was always playing pranks, rather tomboyish, affectionate utterly thoughtless She really was in danger; there was no doubt of it.