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"Several teachers told me that Blue Bonnet would undoubtedly have received the medal for the greatest general improvement at the end of the year had she entered in September. I wish you might have seen her enter the reception-room. Her whole bearing is changed. She has dropped that hoydenish, tomboyish manner that was so offensive when she returned from the ranch.

Yet she broke out now and then in wild, tomboyish activities, racing with Russ and Frane, Junior, climbing fences and trees, and riding horses bareback in the home lot. It seemed as though Phil, as they called her, "held in" just as long as she could, trying to put on the airs of grown-ups, and then just had to break out.

Are their crude devices and mad, tomboyish pranks merely reactionary, and the only means they have of finding vent for their naturally high spirits? If so, I devoutly wish they would choose some locality other than my study for their playground.

To be academic would be even more fatal to Miss Shirley's ambition than to be tomboyish, and he thought with pathos of that touch about the Italian nobility in the Middle Ages, and how little it could have moved the tough fancies of that crowd of well-groomed young people at the breakfast-table when Mrs. Westangle brought it out with her ignorant acceptance of it as a social force.

"You amazing child!" the Emperor repeated. "You talk as if you were forty years old. Tell me precisely what is troubling you, for I must have failed to fathom it, and be sure I shall reply officially as Emperor and Pontifex." "What troubles me," said Brinnaria, "is the dread that my wild and tomboyish behavior may be as displeasing to the Goddess as coquettishness or wantonness.

One learns to set great store by both. You've no idea, Miss Good, how precious is the one and how-hideous is the other." "You mustn't call me Miss Good any longer," the girl told him. "My name is Barbara Parker." "Oh, I like that!" "I'm more generally known as 'Bob." "Even better! It sounds tomboyish." "It's not. It is Tom Parkerish. Father insisted on calling me that and it stuck.

Gardner was tall and thin and handsome, exquisitely gowned, cordial with a cordiality that seemed a trifle forced. Aline Gardner was a younger edition of her mother, lacking the cordiality. She endeavored to be nice, but succeeded only in being haughty and patronizing. Dorothy Gardner was slim and jolly and rather tomboyish. Anne knew she was Roy's favorite sister and warmed to her.

We would not, however, suggest for a moment that May was ugly. By no means, but she had indeed reached what may be styled a plain period of life a period in which some girls become silently sheepish, and others tomboyish; May was among the former, and therefore a drag upon conversation. But, after all, it mattered little, for the rapidly increasing gale rendered speech nearly impossible.

"You have, Honor! You have! You've never been a comfort to me not since you were a tiny child. And even then you were tomboyish and rough and queer." "I know, Muzzie." "I never heard of anything so brazen in all my life running after him to Mexico to visit people you never laid eyes on in all your days, utter strangers to you " "Jimsy's aunt and uncle, Muzzie."

And grannie shook her head, trying to look stern, and hiding a smile in her serviette. "Your manners are not improving, Sybylla. I fear you must be incorrigible," said aunt Helen. When uncle Jay-Jay heard the whole particulars of the affair, he lay back in his chair and laughed fit to kill himself. "You ought to be ashamed to always encourage her in her tomboyish ways, Julius.