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It was delicate and pretty, and a great contrast to "Tombe," which we had seen in years gone by in Italy, and a few days before at Capodistria. There were thirty churches in Zara, fifteen of which have been destroyed or given to different bodies. Seven are now Catholic, and four preserve their outward shape, but are secularised.

This was a "very faire Alabaster Tombe, richly and curiously gilded, and two ancient figures of Aldermen in scarlet kneeling, the one at the one end of the tombe in a goodly arch, the other at the other end in like manner, and a comely figure of a lady between them, who was wife to them both."

To give them light Daye spent in print his wealth, But GOD with gayne returned his wealth agayne, And gave to him as he gave to the poore. Two wyfes he had partakers of his payne: Each wyfe twelve babes, and each of them one more, Als was the last increaser of his store; Who, mourning long for being left alone, Sett up this tombe, herself turned to a stone.’

"There we are, all of us, crouching with bent back Crack! Once more an obus. The shrapnel, which try to stop us at our job, drive us out; but the things that bore us still more Crack! are just those obus." With each "Crack! Il tombe des obus," the big bass-drum boomed like the shell he sang of.

Mr Tombe was, no doubt, lying shamefully, for, of course, he remembered all about it; and, indeed, George Vavasor had learned already quite enough for his own purposes. "I was going to look," said Pinkle; and Pinkle again went away. "I'm sorry to give your clerk so much trouble," said Vavasor, in an angry voice; "and I think it must be unnecessary.

L'animal force succombe, Fait un effort, se releve, enfin tombe: Et nos chasseurs chantent tous a l'envi: 'Amis, goutons les fruits de la victoire; 'Amis, Amis, celebrons notre gloire. 'Halali, Fanfare, Halali 'Halali." II.: Fielding and Mrs.

All the four-footed furniture comported itself as though it had but three legs the whitewashed walls had for their only ornament the following quatrain in honor of Mame Hucheloup: Elle etonne a dix pas, elle epouvente a deux, Une verrue habite en son nez hasardeux; On tremble a chaque instant qu'elle ne vous la mouche Et qu'un beau jour son nez ne tombe dans sa bouche.

A mon tour, aujourd'hui, bienheureuse Marie, Je tombe a vos genoux; Daignez donc m'ecouter, car c'est vous que je prie, Vous qui priez pour nous. Which may be thus interpreted: O Virgin blest! by whom the bitter draught So often has been quaffed, That, for thy sorrow, thou art named by us The Mother Dolorous!

M. Cæsar brought mee to see the Pyramides which are three in number, one whereof king Pharao made for his owne tombe, the tombe it selfe is almost in the top of it: the monuments bee high and in forme 4. square, and euery of the squares is as long as a man may shoote a rouing arrowe, and as high as a Church, I sawe also the ruines of the Citie of Memphis hard by those Pyramides.

Oui, la comparaison peut etre permise. C'etait comme un petit Cosaque du Don qui sautait sur sa propre tombe. Now..." "Stop, Stepan Trofimovitch, you are horribly long-winded. You didn't dance, but came to see me in a new tie, new linen, gloves, scented and pomatumed.