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"Oh, you'll like it after a while," he said, with anticipative wisdom, "but I shall be left to play with Tom. I want you to miss me. It is too horrid." "I shall miss you; indeed, I shall. I suppose I am only a girl, but I won't forget what you did when that boy was rude. I used to think once you were like a girl and just afraid.

"Now, Tom, baby is not to stand; he is not to lie on his face; he is not to lie so that his head wags; he is not to be teased or tickled; and he is not to be cut into two or more pieces by the cutter. Will you be as careful as all that?" Tom held out his arms. "That child is a wonderful nursemaid," remarked Margaret. "He is fond of baby. That's why he does it!" was Helen's answer.

Laying out the camp Rosecrans as engineer A comfortless night Waking to new duties Floors or no floors for the huts Hardee's Tactics The water-supply Colonel Tom.

Clair, "why, after we take Washington, you ought to come down to Charleston and see us dance then. It's good instead of wicked. It's more than that. It's a thing of beauty, a grace, a joy, almost a rite." "All that Arthur says is true," said Happy Tom. "I'm a Sea Islander myself, but we go over to Charleston in the winter. Still, I think you'll have to do without me at those dances, Arthur.

Kenneth had sent word to Tom Gates, asking the young man to come to Elmhurst, but it was not until two days after the lawn party that Tom appeared and asked permission to see Mr. Forbes. Beth and Louise were with Kenneth at the time, and were eager to remain during the interview, so the young man was shown into the library.

"For they S, H Oh, I don't know what it is!" "Oh, SHALL! for they shall for they shall a a shall mourn a a blessed are they that shall they that a they that shall mourn, for they shall a shall WHAT? Why don't you tell me, Mary? what do you want to be so mean for?" "Oh, Tom, you poor thick-headed thing, I'm not teasing you. I wouldn't do that. You must go and learn it again.

Tracy, but the taunts had never hurt him so before, and he could have cried out in his pain as he thought of Tom's words, and knew that in himself there was the making of a far nobler manhood than Tom Tracy would ever know.

"Ah!" said he half asleep, and but partly overhearing what was going on; "ah, Tom, my dear, you don't say that we shall all be handed down to our poster" a long yawn "to our poster" another yawn when Bang, watching his opportunity as he sat opposite, gently touched one of the fore legs of the balanced chair with his toe, while he finished Gelid's sentence by interjecting, "iors," as the conch fell back and floundered over on his stem; his tormentor drawling out in wicked mimicry.

"I should think I did," laughed Tom. "They were shouting, 'Mag, Mag, Mag, as plain as could be. I hope Charlie's bees won't begin shouting to him, too, or we shan't be able to hear ourselves speak. I shouldn't be surprised if we grew to love them best of all, because they are nice and quiet." "You wait till they are angry," said Charlie knowingly, "or are swarming "

Some of them may have been interpreting life as having a good time, but, under the tutorage of Tom, they soon came to feel that having a good time means whitewashing a fence. =The persistency of habit.= In striving to exalt and ennoble work, the school runs counter to habits of thought that have been formed in the home, and these habits prove stubborn.