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No young lady, anticipative of balls or coronets, had ever felt more complacent satisfaction in a journey to London than that which had cheered the athletic breast of the veteran on finding himself, at last, within one day's gentle march of the metropolis.

No young lady, anticipative of balls or coronets, had ever felt more complacent satisfaction in a journey to London than that which had cheered the athletic breast of the veteran on finding himself, at last, within one day's gentle march of the metropolis.

His poor mind seemed wholly taken up with one anticipative idea, and whatever failed to minister to that he hadn't, as poppa sadly said, any use for.

With March he got on no better than at first. He seemed to be lying in wait for some encroachment of the literary department on the art department, and he met it now and then with anticipative reprisal. After these rebuffs, the editor delivered him over to the manager, who could turn Beaton's contrary-mindedness to account by asking the reverse of what he really wanted done.

This message sealed into a second envelope without superscription, he lighted a cigarette and sat smiling with anticipative relish through its smoke, a smile swiftly abolished as the door re-opened; though Nogam found him in what seemed to be a mood of rare sweet temper.

Next follow two, who ought to be now alive, and the friends of Elia the junior Le G and F ; who impelled, the former by a roving temper, the latter by too quick a sense of neglect ill capable of enduring the slights poor Sizars are sometimes subject to in our seats of learning exchanged their Alma Mater for the camp; perishing, one by climate, and one on the plains of Salamanca: Le G , sanguine, volatile, sweet-natured; F , dogged, faithful, anticipative of insult, warm-hearted, with something of the old Roman height about him.

A faint anticipative homesickness mingled now with her nightlong anxiety, a pity for herself that on the morrow she must leave those pretty sights, which had become so dear to her that she could not but feel herself native among them.

With March he got on no better than at first. He seemed to be lying in wait for some encroachment of the literary department on the art department, and he met it now and then with anticipative reprisal. After these rebuffs, the editor delivered him over to the manager, who could turn Beaton's contrary-mindedness to account by asking the reverse of what he really wanted done.

Of all the converts, none had been so eager for the emigration, so fondly anticipative of the promised delights, as Susan Peckaby; and she had made her own private arrangements to steal off secretly, leaving her unbelieving husband to his solitary fate. As it turned out, however, she was herself left; the happy company stole off, and abandoned her.

He divined that at this she would be very brave and buoyant, and he was lost in anticipative admiration; when she was neither he admired more than ever. "I don't know," said Olivia gravely, "I only know that I must go. You see that, do you not that I must go?" "Ah, yes," St. George assured her, "I do indeed, believe me.