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"Now, where's Sally Kittridge! There's the clock striking five, and nobody to set the table. Sally, I say! Sally!" "Why, Mis' Kittridge," said the Captain, "Sally's gone out more'n an hour ago, and I expect she's gone down to Pennel's to see Mara; 'cause, you know, she come home from Portland to-day."

"Luggage?" repeated Mr. Sack, putting his hand to his forehead. "Excuse me, but I've got such a racking headache to-day it makes me stupid " "Oh, I'm very sorry," said Anna-Rose solicitously. "And so am I very," said Anna-Felicitas, equally solicitous. "Have you tried aspirin? Sometimes some simple remedy like that " "Oh thank you it's good of you, it's good of you.

To-day they are not only recognizable as practical, but they are being actually put into practice, although, it is true, with very varying energy and insight in different countries.

To-day I told Ellen to have the servants all cleaned up, and looking as well as possible; and so I distributed around more than a dozen turbans, for I wanted Mrs.

Crewe was silent awhile, that this formidable array of things might make the proper impression upon his visitor. "It was lucky you came to-day, Vane," he said at length. "I am due in New York to-morrow for a directors' meeting, and I have a conference in Chicago with a board of trustees of which I am a member on the third. Looking at my array of pamphlets, eh?

'For the nine hundred and ninetieth time, my beloved Margaret, I implore you on my bended knees to make me a happy man! You remember it now?" "No, indeed; I never heard such an absurd speech in my life." "That's the second story you've told to-day," says Mr. Gower, regarding her with gentle sorrow. "Oh, don't be stupid!" says Margaret. "Tell me what I want to know; about Marian.

The tide of life was ebbing away from me, the shore of death loomed very near, and I understood then, as in extreme old age I understand to-day, how much more part we mortals have in death than in this short accident of life.

Despite, therefore, of the warnings of Budja, I strolled again with my rifle, and saw pallah, small plovers, and green antelopes with straight horns, called mpeo, the skin of which makes a favourite apron for the Mabandwa. 14th. I met to-day a Mhuma cowherd in my strolls with the rifle, and asked him if he knew where the game lay.

'Another thing, said Amy, colouring a good deal; 'shall you mind my telling Mary? I behaved so oddly last night, and she was so kind to me that I think I ought. Mary had seen enough last night to be very curious to-day, though hardly expecting her curiosity to be gratified.

"I'll never speak of this again. I wouldn't have NOW only I'm distracted to-day completely distracted. Will you forgive me for speaking as I did?" "Certainly," said Ethel. "I'm not offended. On the contrary. Anyway, I'll think it over and let you know." "You will, REALLY?" he asked greedily, grasping at the straw of a hope. "You will really think it over?" "I will, really."