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Il est vrai qu'il s'en tirait en disant que je ne ressemblai pas a mes compatriotes, ce a quoi il ne connaissait rien! Tout cela etait fort curieux; car, moi-meme, je l'aimais quoiqu'il en e–t a mon pays! En 1879 il amena son fils Austin a Paris. J'attirai celui-ci. Il dejeunait avec moi deux fois par semaine. Je lui montrai ce qu'etait l'intimite francaise en le tutoyant paternellement.

Max, the Joos' cousin, went out and "tirait," to the admiration of the women-kind, and then, of course, "Papa" had to have a try. The two men, with their little gun and their talk and gesticulations, lent a queer touch of comic opera to the scene.

The nuptials of Amphitrite, a rosy cloud, nymphs with well dressed locks and entirely naked, an Academician offering quatrains to the goddess, a chariot drawn by marine monsters. "Triton trottait devant, et tirait de sa conque Des sons si ravissants qu'il ravissait quiconque!" there's a festive programme, there's a good one, or else I know nothing of such matters, deuce take it!"

Pensivement was replaced by some similar four-syllable adverb, Elle tirait nonchalamment les bas de soie, etc. It was the beginning of the end. I read the French poets of the modern school Coppée, Mendès, Léon Diex, Verlaine, José Maria Heredia, Mallarmé, Rechepin, Villiers de l'Isle Adam.

Pensivement was replaced by some similar four-syllable adverb, Elle tirait nonchalamment les bas de soie, etc. It was the beginning of the end. I read the French poets of the modern school Coppée, Mendés, Léon Diex, Verlaine, José Maria Hêrédia, Mallarmé, Richepin, Villiers de l'Isle Adam.