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Besides, it gets tiresome to walk on your tip-toes after a few minutes. But Mr. Daddles kept on that way almost to the end of the journey. When we reached the head of the wharf he turned around, and spoke again, with one hand held mysteriously at the side of his mouth, so not to be overheard. Give it to 'em somehow, anyhow.

He insisted on forming us in single file. He led, followed by Jimmy, then I came, and Ed Mason brought up the rear. "Remember!" whispered our leader, "we are smugglers till we get to the top of the hill. After that, burglars." We started up the wharf on tip-toes. This was rather unnecessary, for as we all had on rubber-soled shoes we could walk very quietly even if we went in the usual manner.

"His wife, with the stateliness of a queen, as she was, her black hair clustering about her temples and falling around her shoulders and neck, her bosom heaving, her eyes flashing fire, on her tip-toes arose to her utmost height. All gazed upon her with admiration, her husband looking at her with a wildness almost of frenzy.

"'How's that, fellers? says Ag to me and White. We said we was agreeable. "'All right, in you come! says Aggy. 'There ain't no hog about our firm but as for you, says he, walking on his tip-toes up to the driver, 'as for you, you cock-eyed whelp, around you go! Around you go! he hollers, jamming the end of Moral Suasion into the driver's trap. 'Oh, and WON'T you go 'round, though! says he.

"Now, young ladies," he would say, "the body thrown back, the head up, on tip-toes. That's it. Perfect! One, two, three, march!" And we marched along on tip-toes with heads up and eyelids drawn over our eyes as we tried to look down in order to see where we were walking. We marched along like this with all the stateliness and solemnity of camels!

"What a caprice!" she exclaimed, but she raised herself on her tip-toes, and, plucking a beautiful branch of lilac, offered it to me with grace. I took it, and went away, satisfied for the present, and hopeful for the future. Certainly that May day was a lovely one, and it closed in moonlight night of summer warmth and serenity.

When convinced that the two were sound asleep, Jack repeated the prayer that had trembled so many times on his lips, rose as silently as a shadow, and began moving across the lodge on tip-toes to where his invaluable rifle leaned. Lightly would that warrior have need to sleep to be aroused by such faint footfalls.

I's bin wakin' a good while, larfin' fit to bu'st my sides. De purfesser's been a-goin' on like a mad renoceros for more'n an hour. He's arter suthin', which he can't ketch. Listen! You hear 'im goin' round an' round on his tip-toes. Dere goes anoder chair. I only hope he won't smash de lamp an' set de house a-fire." "Vell, vell; I've missed him zee tence time. Nevair mind.

"I should think they'd be very becoming," put in Cassandra, standing on her tip-toes and looking over Cleopatra's shoulder. "That Watteau isn't bad, either, is it, now?" "No," remarked Calpurnia. "I wonder how a Watteau back like that would go on my blue alpaca?" "Very nicely," said Elizabeth. "How many gores has it?" "Five," observed Calpurnia. "One more than Caesar's toga.

He could read the addresses on six of them, but the seventh lay on its back, and every time he rose on his tip-toes to squint down at it, the spout pushed his bonnet over his eyes. "Smith," he cried in at the door, "to gang hame afore I ken wha that letter's to is more than I can do." The smith good-naturedly brought the letter to him, and then glancing at the address was dumfounded.