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"I hadn't thought of it before, Ching," I said, feeling rather ashamed of my angry tone; "but I am faint, and I suppose that is through being hungry." "Yes; Ching go down among locks and sand, see if he find something eat." "No, no," I cried excitedly; "it would be madness." "Eh? you tinkee Ching mad?" he said, with a smile. "Oh no; but you would meet some of the pirates."

"Cease firing!" cried Mr Reardon; and then, as if to himself, "Every shot is wasted." I did not think so, for it had checked the enemy, who allowed us to go on slowly another hundred yards or so. "Allee velly dleadful," whispered Ching to me, as he crouched in the bottom of the boat. "You tinkee hit Ching?" "I hope not," I said. "Oh no; we shall get out into the river directly."

I therefore stood at a distance, but though I shouted at the top of my voice, and threw pieces of wood at it, it held its post, snarling and growling savagely. "Better shoot him, or he come down when no tinkee," cried Jan, who had remained with the ox at a safe distance.

"O, yes!" promptly replied Sing, his face breaking out in smiles, "me tinkee Miss Mattie heap pletty. Me heap likee Miss Mattie." This open avowal of admiration was more than Mattie had bargained for, and she blushed furiously. The whole party clapped their hands and laughed, while Will fell upon the floor and rolled about in an ecstacy of fun and laughter.

"No, he not come back yet, but he soon come, an' den you see," he answered, looking very mysterious. At length, one evening, I met him running towards the house in a state of great excitement. "Wha'r Massa Denis?" he asked; "me tinkee me got b'ar for him now. Wha'r is he?" For a wonder, he was in the house, as was Dan; so I called them both.

Green was so overcome that he could not speak, and poor Mungo could only say, "Good-by, massa leptenant, me tinkee you berry good man." I returned to my own vessel, and made sail for England: once more we greeted the white cliffs of Albion, so dear to every true English bosom. No one but he who has been an exile from its beloved shores can fully appreciate the thrill of joy on such an occasion.

"Me tinkee better keep on de cobers, massa," observed the steward, "or de cockroaches fall in an' drown demselves." "By all means," said Rayner, laughing. Indeed, he and Oliver had to examine each mouthful before they raised it to their lips, lest they should find one of the nauseous creatures between their teeth. As soon as the midshipmen had finished supper, they returned on deck.

The king grinned horribly, and said something of which neither Harry nor any of us could make out the meaning. "What did he say?" we inquired of Aboh. "Him say, cut him head off," answered Aboh; "me tinkee him mean it too." This was unpleasant information, but we thought it as well not to take notice of it, but it convinced us plainly that the king would not agree to our request.

Green was so overcome that he could not speak, and poor Mungo could only say, "Good-bye, massa leptenant me tinkee you berry good man." I returned to my own vessel, and made sail for England: once more we greeted the white cliffs of Albion, so dear to every true English bosom. No one but he who has been an exile from its beloved shores can appreciate the thrill of joy on such an occasion.

"Well, captain, I tinkee you gettee more prize if you hide ship under lee of some island, and den pounce out on de dhows like wasps," said Hamed. Jack, accordingly, examining the chart with Higson, looked out for the most suitable island for their purpose. The first on which they fixed, a short way to the northward, was low and sandy.