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Anthony and Frances sat in the beautiful drawing-room of their house, one on each side of the fireplace. They had it all to themselves, except for the cats, Tito and Timmy, who crouched on the hearthrug at their feet. Frances's forehead and her upper lip were marked delicately with shallow, tender lines; Anthony's eyes had crow's-feet at their corners, pointing to grey hairs at his temples.

Officer Donahue was not a man who got these luminous inspirations himself, but that did not prevent him appreciating them in others and bestowing commendation in the right quarter. There was nothing petty or grudging about Officer Donahue. "Ye're the lad with the head, Tim!" he exclaimed admiringly. "It just sorta came to me," said Mr. Cassidy, modestly. "It's a great idea, Timmy!"

The only jarring note had been that horrid little boy Timmy Timmy and his hateful dog. And then suddenly Enid Crofton asked herself whether Godfrey Radmore was likely to go on being as fond of Timmy Tosswill as he seemed to be now. She had been surprised at the reminiscent affection with which he had spoken of his little godson.

Speaking in such a loud discordant voice that Timmy quickly moved back a step or two, she exclaimed: "I was not going to tell anybody yet but as you seem so anxious to know my plans, I will tell you a secret, Timmy. I am going to India after all!

Off the two started at last, creeping out of one of the back doors. But in his agitation over the business of getting the cat and her kittens safely out of Old Place, Timmy had forgotten to put on a coat. They were halfway down the avenue before Radmore noticed that the boy was shivering, and then, mindful of Janet, he ordered him to go back and get the warmest coat he could.

Timmy slipped into Old Place by a back way often used by the young people, for it was opposite a garden door set in the high brick wall which gave on to one of the by-ways of the village. But instead of seeking out his mother, as he ought at once to have done, he went upstairs and so into what had been the day nursery.

After I enter your mind, my last act will be to release the simple block that makes Timmy an imbecile ... he will awaken and not know that he has slept all his life until this moment when he becomes in actuality an ordinary, quite intelligent boy. He will not grieve unduly for Homer, and I who have two bodies and am at home in neither of them will be a record that will finally be erased.

Then he turned to Timmy: "Now then, don't you think you could choose something for your mother?" The lady of the shop turned patronisingly towards the little boy. She went across to a corner cupboard and opened what appeared to be a rather secret receptacle.

"Knocks the wind out of you, doesn't it? But ordinary speech is painfully limited to begin with, without trying to force it from poor old Homer." He chattered on nervously, giving Phil time to collect himself. "You see, Timmy is as mindless now as when he was born, three years before 'my' ship crashed in the swamp over there.

And then again Timmy intervened. "I know more about her than any one of you do. But I don't mean to tell you what I know," he announced. No one took any notice of him. By common consent efforts were always made in the family circle to keep Timmy down but such efforts were rarely successful. "Well, tell us what's she like?" exclaimed Rosamund. "I did so hope we should escape another widow."