United States or Christmas Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"No, Martha; it's the dressmaker," answered the doctor, tightening the reins on the restless sorrel as he spoke. The voice was low and kindly and had a ring of sincerity through it. "What dressmaker?" "Why, Miss Gossaway!" His hand was extended now that fine, delicately wrought, sympathetic hand that had soothed so many aching heads.

He kept his eyes from her, so that he did not see the hot blush which mantled in the clear ivory of her face, or the sudden tightening of the lips, as if she were struggling against some feeling, and fighting for her usual self-possession.

I'm just going to smile and talk." He did not laugh at her quaint phrasing of her intentions, but tightening his clasp upon the small body nestling within the circle of his arms, he quoted, "'Work a little, sing a little, Whistle and be gay; Read a little, play a little, Busy every day. Talk a little, laugh a little, Don't forget to pray; Be a bit of merry sunshine All the blessed way."

"For you I have always had a strong affection, strange as it may sound." Herbeck fumbled with his collar, which was tightening round his throat like a band of hot iron. "I have practically governed this country for sixteen years. In that time I have made it prosperous and happy; I have given you a substantial treasury; I have made you an army; I have brought peace where you would have brought war.

Utterly confounded, she leaned back, both hands tightening on the hand-rail behind her, and as she comprehended the passionless reproof, a stinging flush deepened over her pretty face. "Had you anything else to say to me?" he asked, without embarrassment. "N-no." "Then may I take my departure?" She lifted her startled blue eyes and regarded him with a new and intense curiosity.

His face, that flashed and trembled, smiled and clouded with fires of smouldering passion, held her as in a spell. She knew this power was slowly tightening about her heart, yet she rejoiced in its very pain. When she greeted him, and he unconsciously held her soft hand in his big blue-veined grasp, a sense of restful joy came she knew not whence nor why.

"Three times seven's twenty-one, ain't it?" Mr. Fleming said this, and let out his elbow in a small perplexity, as Anthony took him up: "And fifty-two times twenty-one?" "Well, that's, that's how much is that, Mas' Gammon?" the farmer asked in a bellow. Master Gammon was laboriously and steadily engaged in tightening himself with dumpling.

What I like to see, and watch with increasing joy and adoration, is the Club MEN at the great looking-glasses. Old Gills pushing up his collars and grinning at his own mottled face. Hulker looking solemnly at his great person, and tightening his coat to give himself a waist.

Therefore," with a most ravishing smile, and a tightening of her grip upon my arm "you will be pleased to consider yourself as my prisoner for the present."

Is it, then, wise at such a time to impose restrictions by a drastic tightening up of the Companies Act, upon those who wish by financial activity, to further the efforts of industries and producers?