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"I ask because they had a new turn of a scientific nature called 'Home and Friends for a Tickey." "Oh, you mean the cinematograph the pictures of prize-fights and steamers. I've seen 'em up country." "Biograph or cinematograph was what I was alludin' to. London Bridge with the omnibuses a troopship goin' to the war marines on parade at Portsmouth an' the Plymouth Express arrivin' at Paddin'ton."

This way to the shillin' places! I went astern at once, protestin' because tickey seats better suited my so-called finances. 'Come on, says Vickery, 'I'm payin'. Naturally I abandoned Pratt and Dawson in anticipation o' drinks to match the seats. 'No, he says, when this was 'inted 'not now. Not now.

The allowance was to be at the rate of one pint per adult, at three-pence per pint. That the value given for the humble "tickey" was good the success of the scheme proved beyond contention. Hundreds of pints were disposed of the Directors in person superintending the sale and wielding the ladles.

"These terraces," said Lilly, trying not to be heavy, "are like the setting for an Aegean romance." He smiled back at her again through the new film across his eyes. "Write it and I'll produce it." "Close the doors, Dicky; it's growing chilly," said Mrs. Enlow. "Yes," said Lilly, shivering a bit, "chilly." "And I'm burning, Dicky, Tickey Tavey," cried Zoe, applying the name audaciously.

At either horn of the bay the railway line, cut just above high water-mark, ran round a shoulder of piled rocks, and disappeared. "You see there's always a breeze here," said Hooper, opening the door as the engine left us in the siding on the sand, and the strong south-easter buffeting under Elsie's Peak dusted sand into our tickey beer. Presently he sat down to a file full of spiked documents.