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Unfortunately for the spectators, the curate came along and pacified them. "Señoras! señoras! What a shame. Señor alferez." "What are you meddling in these matters for, you hypocrite, you Carlist?" "Don Tiburcio, take away your wife! Señora, hold your tongue!" "Tell that to those robbers of the poor!" Finally, the dictionary of epithets was exhausted.

This was all news to me, but secretly I wished June courage and a good aim if it ever came to a show-down between them. We reached the Arroyo Seco by high noon, and found the ambulance in camp and the coffee pot boiling. Under the direction of Miss Jean, Tiburcio had removed the seats from the conveyance, so as to afford seating capacity for over half our number.

Very few hunts were unrewarded by at least one or more shots at this noble animal. With an occasional visitor, the winter passed as had the previous one. Some congenial spirit would often spend a few days with them, and his departure was always sincerely regretted. The most peculiar feature of the whole affair was the friendship of the young man for Tiburcio.

Naming an hour for starting in the morning, the two men shook hands and bade each other good-night, each using his own language to express the parting, though neither one knew a word the other said. The first link in a friendship not soon to be broken had been forged. Tiburcio was on hand at the appointed hour in the morning, and being joined by the two Americans they rode off up the stream.

Just then Cuchillo, accompanied by Baraja, entered to pay their respects to the master of the hacienda. Their entrance within the sala of course created some slight disarrangement in the tableaux of the dramatis personal already there. This confusion gave Tiburcio an opportunity to carry out a desperate resolution he had formed, and profiting by it, he advanced nearer to Rosarita.

"Before I dare to comprehend, Rosarita, for this time a mistake would kill me," continued Fabian, whose heart was stirred to its very depths by the young girl's words, and the tenderness of her manner, "will you answer one question, that is if I dare to ask it?" "Dare, then, Tiburcio," said Rosarita, tenderly. "Ask what you wish. I came to-night to hear you to deny you nothing."

Then there were rows of double crosses; and also one of triple crosses; and finally a series of stars. All these hieroglyphics appeared to have been cut with the blade of a knife; but their purpose was a puzzle to Tiburcio. Bois-Rose, noticing an interrogative expression upon the face of the young man, at once entered upon an explanation.

But was this really the position of Tiburcio with Rosarita? It remains to be known. According to the custom of country houses throughout Mexico, the window of Rosarita's chamber was unglazed. Strong iron bars, forming what is called the reja, hindered an entrance from without; and behind this reja, lit up by the lamp in the chamber, the young girl was standing in an attitude of graceful ease.

Pues then I shall try my best. In fact, it is very quiet here I wonder the cries of this young woman have not startled the whole house. There's not a creature about." Such was in reality the case. Notwithstanding the noise of the struggle between Tiburcio and his assailants, and later still, the cries of Rosarita, no one had been awakened.

After a while the young man made known his thoughts to his companion by the camp-fire, whose interest appeared to be forcibly re-awakened, and who listened with eager attention to every word. "I fancy I can remember," said Tiburcio "that is, if it be not a dream I have sometimes dreamt a terrible scene.