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The presence of a well marked case of exophthalmic goiter is not necessary for the secretion of the thyroid to be increased sufficiently to cause tachycardia; in fact, an increased heart rapidity in women often has hyperthyroidism as its cause.

Every individual born among the vertebrates, for example, must have a certain definite amount and percentage of pituitary gland, anterior and posterior, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, interstitial and so on. One obtains at once from the contrasts of such figures some idea of the possibilities.

I have seen no precise details of Gudernatsch's method of feeding tadpoles, but my own method was simply to put a piece of thyroid into the water containing the tadpoles and leave it there for several days, then to take it out and put in another piece, changing the water when it seemed to be getting foul. April 22. Noticed that the non-thyroid tadpoles were larger than those fed on thyroid.

Among them as commanders of growth, development and normal function, it holds the balance of power. In every emergency it stands out by its strength or by its weakness. It thus creates its own type of man or woman, with attributes and characteristics peculiar to itself. These pure types, as we have seen, are mainly the thyroid, the pituitary, and the adrenal-centered.

Of course, if one of the persons under consideration has symptoms of hyperthyroidism, or if small doses of thyroid cause palpitation, the treatment is not indicated, on the one hand, and should be stopped, on the other.

It has also been held that this organ has much to do with the supply of iodine in the system, being particularly affected by the lack of iodine in the food. Again, it is said that when the thyroid gland has degenerated there ensues a condition of auto- intoxication, followed by a degeneration of other organs which destroy and eliminate poisons in the blood.

The principal organs which comprise the kinetic system are the brain, the thyroid, the adrenals, the liver, and the muscles.

Some exhaustion of the thyroid gland may have been at the bottom of the trouble. Towards the end of October the weather became cooler, and in November the nights were chilly. Sickness diminished rapidly. At this season there is a kind of charm about Mesopotamia. Clouds begin to inhabit the skies and the colour effects, especially those of dawn and sunset, are lovely.

The food having passed over the epiglottis, that cartilage, from its elastic power, again rises and resumes its former situation. The 'thyroid cartilage' envelopes and protects all the rest, and particularly the lining membrane of the larynx, which vibrates from the impulse of the air that passes.

The larynx must be completely free in its movement, its positions varying according to each tone and to the pronunciation of each vowel. We can easily follow the movement of the larynx by laying the finger on the prominence in the throat formed by the junction of the two wings of the thyroid cartilage, commonly called "Adam's apple."