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"Keep your thumbs to yourself, you sea monster," said the small clerk, angrily, and laying his hand on the ruler. But Barney minded him not, and continued to smite his thigh and rub his hands, while he performed a sort of gigantic war-dance round Mr Jollyboy and Martin. In a few minutes the old gentleman subsided sufficiently to understand questions.

It wasn't till much later that I found this had not been the case with Kent Mulville, whose hope for the best never twirled the thumbs of him more placidly than when he happened to know the worst. He had known it on the occasion I speak of that is immediately after. He was impenetrable then, but ultimately confessed. What he confessed was more than I shall now venture to make public.

Why did no one see it? Why did no one say anything about it? What did all that wretched "poor knight" joke mean? Why was she, Lizabetha Prokofievna, driven to think, and foresee, and worry for everybody, while they all sucked their thumbs, and counted the crows in the garden, and did nothing?

Then, in spite of Rosamond's abuse, and the violent pushes and even kicks she gave her, she took the hurt ankle in her hands, and stroked and pressed it, gently kneading it, as it were, with her thumbs, as if coaxing every particle of the muscles into its right place. Nor had she done so long before Rosamond lay still. At length she ceased, and said: "Now, my child, you may get up."

Wait a minute, Neb, old man, and let's set my fingers and thumbs to work to try whether they can see a hole as 'll soot you to go along by." "There can't be any holes, Bob," I said. "Mebbe not, sir; but I tell you what cargo does in a voyage, specially if you get a storm or two to shake it together.

Its delivery, accompanied by a regular movement of his outstretched thumbs behind the ears, and during which his fat face glowed the brightest red, was unhappily greeted with a wild burst of laughter from all present, which excited the unlucky master to the most furious wrath.

I looked at his thumbs, but I could not understand. 'See how small they are, he went on; 'people with such little thumbs can never do what they intend to do, they always let themselves be prevented; and he laughed so kindly that I felt as if his visit had been paid all the time and quite understood the validity of the excuse."* *"Blackstick Papers," 1908

Miss Theodosia had an odd feeling that this, too, was a dream and a John. Would they all wake up together? "Sound as a nut never knew what hit her! But she wants straightening. New work for me; I'm not used to putting kiddies to bed." "Oh, I'm not either!" breathed Miss Theodosia, "but I might straighten one. I don't suppose you you kissed her thumbs? Of course not!" She laughed softly.

I'm going t' put my hand on his shoulder an' say 'Come along! Cash ain't everything, even in my business. I want t' show it's th' game, too. I don't want money in my pockets for winking my eye." "You'll have hard work." "How?" "He has burned the pads of his fingers and thumbs," blurted out Forbes. Crawford made an angry gesture. A Homeric laugh from Haggerty.

Frank had so often heard what was the best thing to do that he at once threw off his Norfolk jacket, plunged into the stream, and swam to the spot where the eddy on the surface showed that a struggle was going on beneath. The water was too muddy to see far through it, but Frank speedily came upon the alligator, and finding its eyes, shoved his thumbs into them.