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We were no sooner done eating than Cluny brought out an old, thumbed, greasy pack of cards, such as you may find in a mean inn; and his eyes brightened in his face as he proposed that we should fall to playing.

In these last few months, while its rulers had been taking their well-earned rest, Jingalo had remained agog, obstinately progressive on foolish lines of its own; nothing any longer seemed content to stay as it had been: movement had become a craze. Under his monarch's eye the Prime Minister thumbed his notes. He spoke of falling revenue, stagnation of trade, strikes, and the increase of violence.

At any rate, he would sit listening to her and smoking, as she made him do while she talked politics and socialism to him; and though he said little in return, she made the most of it, and was sure anyway that he was glad to see her come in, and must some time read the labour newspapers and Venturist leaflets she brought him, for they were always well thumbed before they came back to her.

Both were dated ten years back, and the paper was yellow with time, besides being creased and thumbed as by many readings. "What am I to do?" thought Mabel, sinking into her chair, trembling all over with terror and incertitude. If there were one sentiment in Winston Aylett's heart that equalled his haughtiness, it was love for his wife.

Krafft had installed a relay radio that would forward calls from his personal set. If this relay had been in the Foundation building, contact was broken. This had to be found out before it was too late. Brion thumbed on his radio and sent the call. The reply came back instantly. "This is fleet communications. Will you please keep this circuit open?

Those were the chairs the little hands had harnessed, four in a row, and fallen on its side was the armchair the stage coach itself. There were the books, held up to common gaze, that a beloved parent had thumbed with affection.

I remembered a few of these old books which had always looked especially palatable, and were much thumbed and very greasy, having evidently absorbed a great deal of feeling into themselves. "I betook myself back to the library, and, so to speak, devoured a whole novel that is, the essence of it, the interior part, for I left the crust or binding.

And the rusty red vest was thumbed by the gnarled hand of the father, who was also an orator; and a high-peaked hat swept the ground before the hard-hearted gentlemen. All the tragedy of the situation had come about from the fact that the tourists, also, had gotten themselves up in costume.

From the ardent mouths of her eight furnaces to the last drip from her lubricators, from her bed-plates to the breeches of her quick-firers, he knew her read her gauges, thumbed her bearings, gave the ranges from her range-finders, and lived the life he lived who was in command of her.

Larkin thumbed his nose at Yancey as he passed through the door with McGee. He knew the Major would have a long wait if he stayed to get ahead of Yancey. Major Cowan appeared to be in an unusually happy frame of mind. "I've good news for you," he announced as they entered the headquarters hut. "In losing Carpenter, McWilliams and Rodd, we have gained you two.