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But love her dearely, Thurston, sheele deserv't: I doe remember, when my Father livd, How he would praise her goodnes. Think on me As one that lovd you well, but neer like her; And, if you please, bestow each day a kisse Uppon her in my memory. Soe, farewell. Tho. But, harke you, sir, do you intend to love her. Thu. Good sir, torment me not. Enter Grimes. Grimes. By your leave, gentlemen: good Mr.

"But we don't want to raise any hell that we can't lay again. I'm going to give him all the rope that the game will stand; I think, however, that he has quit." "Them kind nevah quits," said McVey sententiously, "an' yuh don't want to take any fool chances, Ken. I seen a feller oncet thet was monkeying with a rattler an' ketched 'im by thu tail. He got bit!

"O-h-h, put yuah trust in Jesus, An' yuh shall see thu Throne!" chanted Red, nasally; adding as an after-thought: "Thu C Bar pays cash." "And it wants to retain you, Mr. Brewster, as counsel in event of my failure to accomplish the restitution of Mr. Carter's property," supplemented Douglass quickly. "You see, I've got to fight the devil with fire.

Kennon opened the door of his room, went straight to the phone beside the bed. He lifted the handset from its cradle and dialed the operator. "Get me Huntersville THU 2-1408. I want to speak to Dr. Brainard, Dr. Will Brainard. This is a priority call my name is Kennon. Dr. Jac Kennon D.V.M. I'm in the registry 47M 26429 yes of course, and thank you." He waited a moment. "Hello Dr. Brainard?

"Thu black ain't in thu runnin' with thu bay; an' she ain't in her class, nuther," had been his unequivocal opinion when approached on that topic. "Thu one's good enough to put yuh wad on fer a quick spurt, but yuh kin trus' yuah life on thu otheh. Thu filly fer me, every time." But then Red was in love, and that always has a strongly modifying influence on one's convictions.

Reckon he were too or'nary to trail with thu bunch an' cut hisself out; ketched him in thu cow paddock." Douglass carefully selected a cigarette paper and reached for the tobacco pouch. The hand that held the lighting match was very steady. "How do you size it up, Red?" "Matlock," said the other, tersely. "Thu bars were not only down, but dragged away more'n a rod.

Wun Thu had lain "doggo" for many years at least he had done nothing to attract the attention of Central Europe yet here he was, a man of my age and on the downward slope, following the post-war instinct of making trouble for himself chiefly, as his attempt failed.

"Atter Nancy Jane O got erhead er de birds, den de hardes' flyin' wuz thu wid; so she jes went 'long, an' went 'long, kin' er easy like, tell she got ter de stone; an' she lit on er' simmon-bush close ter de crick, an' Pigunawaya he slipt off, he did, an' he hist up his feet, an' he gin er jump, kerchug he went down inter de water; an' by'mby hyear he come wid de stone in his mouf.

"Shamus, aroon, vick machree, wuil thu Ihum? wuil thu wuil thu Ihum? Jemmy, my beloved, son of my heart, are you with me? are you are you with me?" "Ish maheen a tha in, a vair dheelish machree It is I who am with you, beloved mother of my heart!" She smiled again but only for a moment.

Tis above wonder: could I as well rule Her will as her exterior actions, She should not thus reject you; but I cannot Limitt her mind, compell her to affect Against her liking. If perswations may Reduse her, Ile endevour it. Thu.