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"Sit down, Brainard," said Houghton. The newcomer did so, and the senior partner marked an attitude of laziness and indifference. Houghton became stern. "Brainard," he began, "I gave you a chance with us because " He paused. The other colored. "I had hoped to make good without that." "But this morning Mr. Pepper " "Said we couldn't get along together. That's true." "Ah! You admit!"

They called it Heaven odd name for a fogworld but there's no accounting for tastes." Brainard chuckled. "I thought that was the case, but I couldn't remember. My ancient history is pretty weak." "You should read more," Brainard said. "But as I see it this girl is of Betan ancestry providing your theory and the facts coincide."

Barney entered, Old Jimmie just bend him. "I say, Maggie, what was the big idea in keeping us " he was beginning in a grumbling tone, when he saw Larry just beyond her. His complaint broke off in mid-breath; he stopped short and his dark face twitched with his surprise. "Larry Brainard!" he finally exclaimed. Old Jimmie, suddenly tense, blinked and said nothing.

"I don't blame you for not believing me but the evidence is conclusive, and there is enough documentary evidence in the space ship and in the fact of the ship itself to prove what I am saying. Laboratory tests here will establish the fact that Copper's child is also mine. And as for Flora, a Brotherhood Investigation Team can prove that part." "That will be attended to," Brainard said grimly.

Besides, you didn't give me that tip to help me; you gave it to me so that you could fix things to put Larry Brainard in bad with all his old friends. You did that to help yourself. Shut up! Don't try to deny it. I know!" Barney did not attempt denial. Barlow went on: "And the second thing I want to tell you, and tell you hard, is this: You gotta turn in some business!

Brainard, are thinking something of the sort regarding your own self. It is equally nonsense. You both love each other you've both been through a lot nothing of importance now stands between you so don't waste any of your too short lives in coming together." She took a deep breath and went on. "You might as well know, Mr.

Pepper at the salary he demanded "any old thing to start the ball rolling." And now had come the information that the senior partner's long-desired experiment had ended in failure. Young Kaufmann turned to his work with the air of one who has given a child its own way and seen it come to grief. "I I suppose," Houghton said slowly, "we'll have to let Brainard go."

"Don't you think I look as if I might help you make us both comfortable?" was her answer. Brown looked at the plain little white blouse, at the simple blue serge skirt, then on down to the foot which showed below the hem of the skirt. "Is this the sort of shoe that working-women wear?" he inquired skeptically. Helena laughed. "Neither Mrs. Brainard nor I could bring ourselves to that," she owned.

"I went up to the 'Journal' office on business, one day, and there sat Miss Sherwood in Macauley's inner temple, chatting with a reporter, while Brainard finished some work." "Helen is eccentric," said the former speaker, "but she's not quite that eccentric, unless they were engaged. It is well understood that they will announce it in the fall."

Larry had turned away from the dark river and had started to retrace his way, when he saw a man approaching through the darkness. Larry paused. The man drew near and halted exactly in front of Larry. By the swing of his body Larry had recognized the man, and his own figure instinctively grew tense. "What you doin' out here, Brainard?" The voice was peremptory and rough.