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Would you like to thry the taste of one?" The Kerry man looked and longed, but forbore. The odds of battle were too great. "Then you'll not even give Mulcahy a a strike for his money," said the voice of Horse Egan, who regarded what he called "trouble" of any kind as the pinnacle of felicity. Dan answered not at all, but crept on tip-toe, with long strides, to the mess-room, the men following.

I'm just gettin' used to him whin another Dooley comes in, a cross, cantankerous, crazy fellow that insists on eatin' breakfast with me. An' so it goes. I know more about mesilf than annybody knows an' I know nawthin'. Though I'd make a map fr'm mem'ry an' gossip iv anny other man, f'r mesilf I'm still uncharted. "So what's th' use iv thryin' to know annything less important. Don't thry.

"Now," said Honora's mother to the servants of both sexes, "now, childre, that you've aite a trifle, you must taste something in the way of dhrink. It would be too bad on this night above all nights we've seen yet, not to have a glass to the stranger's health at all events. Here, Nogher, thry this, avick you never got a glass wid a warmer heart."

Don't thry to coerce us. Continue to lay f'r us an' hope on. If ye tax us there's hardly an old bachelor in th' land that won't fling his five dollars acrost th' counter at th' tax office an' say: 'Hang th' expense." "Ye'er frind Simpson was in here awhile ago," said Mr. Dooley, "an' he was that mad." "What ailed him?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "Well," said Mr.

He says nawthin' to ye an' ye feel like th' prisoner while th' foreman iv th' jury is fumblin' in his inside pocket f'r th' verdict. Ye can stand it no longer. 'Dock, says he, 'is it annything fatal? I'm not fit to die but tell me th' worst an' I will thry to bear it. 'Well, says he, 'ye have a slight interioritis iv th' semi-colon. But this purscription ought to fix ye up all right.

They've hung there for tin years both of thim; and this nate little flask's the first raal binifit I iver resaved from ayther of them. Thry it, Captin. It'll do yez good." I took the bottle and drank. It was the chingarito a bad species of aguardiente from the wild aloe and hot as fire. A mouthful sufficed. I handed the flask to Clayley, who drank more freely.

"It's not aisy," I says; "but, if th' honor iv th' ar-rmy's at stake, I'll thry to fix th' raysponsibility," I says. An' I wint to wurruk. I discovered in th' first place that all sentences begun with capitals, an' they was a peryod at th' end iv each. This aroused me suspicions. Clearly, this letther was written be a Jew.

He started on th' ol' favor-ite, 'Th' Vale iv Avoca'; an' near ivry man in th' crowd had heerd him practisin' it. He wint along splendid till he come to 'shall fade fr'm me heart, an' thin he broke, 'Thry again, says th' crowd; an' he stharted over. He done no betther on th' second whirl. 'Niver say die, Felix, says th' crowd. "Go afther it.

We don't very often take half what we ask for an article." "Mike," said she, "pull off yer coat an' thry it on. Three dollars, and it looks as if it was all cotton." "Not a thread of cotton in that," was the clerk's reply. "Not wan, but a good many, I'm thinkin'," retorted the Irish lady, as she helped her husband draw on the coat.

"Ah sure he might as well be in one place as another," she said indifferently. "Bessy, honey, as you're done, just throw the scraps to the white hin where she's sittin'." "He sez he's thinkin' to settle hereabouts," said Andy; "I tould him he'd a right to go thry his fortin somewhere outlandish, but he didn't seem to fancy the idee, and small blame to him.