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Then I imagine thee interposing to qualify my impatience, as Ajax did to Achilles: Do not chafe thee, cousin: And let these threats alone, Till accident or purpose bring thee to it.

It was now dark. As I got to the top of a high fence and cast my eyes about me, I luckily saw a man with a double-barreled shotgun in his hands, or what I supposed was such. He was within ten steps of me, or nearer. I recognized Col. Tucker. Having heard of his threats, I was induced not to tempt him too far.

And in very fact in the street there were loud shouting and crying, and intermingled curses and threats. The door was hastily opened, and the king entered. "Sire," asked Marie, eagerly advancing toward him, "are they going to renew the dreadful scenes of yesterday?"

I stand behind them." Without taking her eyes off Thornton, the girl reached behind her and jerked a revolver from its holster. "You shoot my dogs, Kyle, and I'll shoot you." In her tones there was none of the hysteria that usually spices feminine threats. She was angry, but her voice was grimly level. She had the poise of one who had learned to depend on her own resolute spirit.

In doing all this, his manner wore an appearance, to me, of assumed severity. The poor old Frenchman fared worse. They seemed to know he was owner, and probably thought he could give the best account of the money. At any rate, he was unmercifully flogged, though he held out to the last, refusing to betray his doubloons. The boy was next attacked-with threats of throwing him overboard.

Every thing was propitious for an effort at coercion; and this was resolved upon at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530, where the emperor was present in person, and where Melanchthon presented the celebrated Protestant Confession of Faith. The threats against the Protestant princes induced them to form the League of Smalcald for mutual defense.

The Duke of Brunswick became indignant, and tore the manifesto to pieces, without however daring to disavow it, and the manifesto appeared, with all its insults and threats, to the French nation.

Among the chief developments giving substance to it, the Master may well have had in mind the dramatic extinction of colonialism and the consequent rise of self-determination as a dominant feature of national identity at century’s end. Whatever threats still hang over humanity’s future, the world has been transformed by the events of the twentieth century.

It was permitted to meet and to talk, but not to pass laws. If any member spoke his mind freely, he was sent to Siberia for life. There were murmurs and threats. There were labor troubles and strikes. The people of Russia, especially those living in cities, were learning how little freedom they had, compared with citizens of other countries, and the time seemed ripe for a revolution.

But now? Continue continue." "The next morning after this scene, in spite of the threats of my master, I came here and told my father all. He wished to make me leave the house at once but there was the prison.