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In a sense I've only myself to thank, for I used to amuse myself in testing her amazing thought-reading powers when she was a little girl." Bubbles had now been at Wyndfell Hall two whole days, and so far her aunt had said nothing to her. Somehow she felt a certain shyness of approaching the subject.

Didn't you hear the dog barking? Somebody called 'George!" "Perhaps," she ventured in the falsely innocent manner which both recognized as foolish and unworthy and in which both took a different delight, "perhaps it was thought-reading!" "With the dog?" he sneered. "You and the dog," she said, joining them deliberately. "It's getting so dark that I can hardly see your cross face.

It had not, properly speaking, been a séance at all, but the whole evening had been spent in terrifying conversation. A young lady had begun it by talking, apropos of nothing, about thought-reading.

He refuses categorically, saying there are three sorts of wonders namely iddhi, that is flying through the air, etc. the wonder of manifestation which is thought-reading: and the wonder of education. Of the first two he says "I see danger in their practice and therefore I loathe, abhor and am ashamed of them."

But of course I could do nothing with him. I think you know that he was passionately fond of George." "What does Dr. O'Farrell think of it all?" "He's convinced that Timmy has got a kind of peculiar, rare, thought-reading gift. He won't hear of its being in any sense supernatural.

"It's only that you are thinking very vividly," the doctor said quietly, "and your thoughts form pictures in my mind before you utter them. It's merely a little elementary thought-reading." His intention, I saw, was not to perplex the good man, but to impress him with his powers so as to ensure obedience later. "Good Lord!

Wondrous musings, wondrous thought-reading, by a countrified young lady in her teens; but is it not out of the mouths of babes and sucklings that strength has been eternally ordained? She was awakened from her reverie by the door being flung open, and she leapt from her perch as Mr Sharnall entered the room. "Heyday! heyday!" he said, "what have we here?

There is no use in your trying to make up a match between Peter and me now no, nor in slyly inviting him up here to tea some evening, as you are even this moment thinking of doing." "Well, I must go and milk the cows," gasped Louisa, rather glad to make her escape. Nancy's power of thought-reading struck her as uncanny.

The chain of evidence between the simplest cases of thought-reading at one end, and the actual manifestation of the spirit independently of the body at the other, was one unbroken chain, each phase leading to the other, and this fact seemed to me to bring the first signs of systematic science and order into what had been a mere collection of bewildering and more or less unrelated facts.

"I dare say they are," the Vicar's wife replied, "though I believe in thought-reading and other things they say they can do. I advised Miss Rosenberg to see them about her dream. She went in by the nine o'clock train. Had you come a few minutes earlier you would have seen her." "Well, thanks awfully," Gladys said, "for telling me about these people.