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"Tom went to the mill to tak the place of the noight watchman. His feyther's dyin' ye ken, and Tom's not come by yet. I thot ye might hev haird." Mary lifted her eyes with troubled glance: "Not yet," she said, "but I'm thinkin of running over to Duncannons as soon as I get these pies in the oven. The clothes won't be dry for a while, an' I'll take my pan of peas to shell. She'll know of course.

"Yes, mother, it did." "Thin I'm beholden to it. And I take back all me hard woords and thochts. Give me another sup o' thot cordial, now, till I go to slape. And ye may tell the neighbors, fur me, thot I've thried and I know yez can get what ye nade fur the askin' out o' thim mash-ines. Now be off wid yez I'm going to slape."

"Well, you black devil!" he began, doubling his fist under Pat's nose. "You haf run away from me thot time, eh? But you don' run away again bet you' life! I got you now and I keep you thees time! I haf work for you you black devil mooch work! You coom along now!" They led the horse into the stable, down past the stalls, and out the back door.

You haf never pay me thot bet thee big bet thee one on thee wagon and thee horses. And you haf steal seex dolars, too! But I'm forgettin' thot, now, too. All right?" The other nodded grateful acceptance. Then, as if to show gratitude further, he very solicitously inquired into the matter, especially with reference to Felipe's discovery of the horse after all these years.

Sweeney saw it, gave the nod, and Dan was nominated. Six weeks later he was elected, too. You'd have thought he had been elected mayor by the noise the small boys made. Rafferty came to me with his big paw outstretched, "Carleton," he said, "the only thing I've got agin ye is thot ye ain't an Irishmon. Faith, ye'd make a domd foine Irishmon."

If any woman sought that fellow in this out-of-the-way spot, it was surely for no good purpose. Brennan caught his breath, these thoughts flashing through his brain. He leaned forward over his saddle horn, lowering his voice confidentially, and managing to achieve a highly meritorious brogue. "Sure, Oi'm Cassady," he admitted grouchily. "How iver come yer ter guess thot?"

Av ye do thot Oi promise ye Oi'll see that nivver a bit av throuble do ye get into. Av ye refuse it's more than wan year ye'll be afther spindin' in jail fer your foolishness." The Indian had listened with the frown growing deeper. "Mebbe you go back on me?" he questioned. "Mebbe you tell um Merriwell Red Ben help carry off gal?" "Oi didn't have to tell him.

Ut fair carried away the door an' laid ut flat on the mess table an' smashed out the chief's room. He was a but sore about ut." "It must 'a' been a big un," the pilot remarked sympathetically. "Aye, ut was thot. Thungs was lively for a but. Ut finished the mate. He was on the brudge wuth me, an' I told hum tull take a look tull the wedges o' number one hatch.

An' shure they don't niver obsthruct a track till the last minute." "But, Casey, once through the pass you can't control that gravel- car. The brakes won't hold. You'll run square into the general's train wreck it!" "Naw! I've got a couple of ties, an' if thot wreck threatens I'll heave a tie off on the track an' derail me private car." "Casey, it's sure death!" exclaimed Collins.

"Ut sheems to me," he continued, "thot youse resimbles thot smart young felly Perkins, the Mayor of Dumfries Corners not!" Perkins laughed. The sting of defeat had lost its power to annoy, and his experience had become merely one of a thousand other nightmares of the past. "Do I?" he replied, resolving not to confess his identity, for the moment at least.