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The words were conventional enough, of course; but then the whole story of "The Squire's Daughter" was as artificial as the wigs and powder and patches of the performers; and even now, when Harry Thornhill, bereft of all his gay silk and lace and ruffles, and become plain Mr.

Outwardly the glances they exchanged were nonchalant and casual, but somehow Mr. Magee felt that among the matters they established were social position, wit, cunning, guile, and taste in dress. "May I help with the coffee?" asked Miss Thornhill. "Only to drink it," replied the girl of the station. "It's all made now, you see." As if in proof of this, Mrs.

And now to hear that those lands were getting into the inexorable gripe of Levy tears of bitterness stood in his eyes. "Thornhill," continued Levy, who watched the young man's countenance, "Thornhill tells me that that part of his property the old Leslie lands produces L2, 000 a year, and that the rental could be raised.

She came toward them through the red firelight. Mr. Magee saw what a fool he had been to waver in his allegiance even for a moment. For he loved her, wanted her, surely. The snow-capped heights are inspiring, but far more companionable is the brook that sparkles in the valley. "It's rather dull, isn't it?" asked Miss Norton of the Thornhill girl.

The gates were opened by a gigantic Swiss, and the carriage rolled into a huge court-yard. At its end Coningsby beheld a Palladian palace, with wings and colonnades encircling the court. A double flight of steps led into a circular and marble hall, adorned with colossal busts of the Caesars; the staircase in fresco by Sir James Thornhill, breathed with the loves and wars of gods and heroes.

THORNHILL FARM, January 30, 1900. On the eastern or Jacobsdal side the country is all a plain, dull and monotonous like a huge prairie, with no shade from the heat or shelter from the thunderstorms. On the western side it is very different. Great hills run roughly parallel to the river course, but leave a wide plain between themselves and it.

"If I get free, I'll have a bout with you at all weapons. If not, I'll take a cheerful glass with you at the City of Oxford, on my way to Tyburn." "Give you the best I have in either case," replied Figg. "Good-b'ye!" And with a cordial shake of the hand he took his departure. Sir James Thornhill, then, rose. "I won't trouble you further, Jack," he remarked.

She had to come down quickly from the platform for the recall that resounded through the theatre; she did not chance to notice Lionel; she was led on and across the stage by Harry Thornhill, she bowing repeatedly and gracefully, he reserving his acknowledgment until he had handed her off.

Sir William marries Sophia, and Squire Thornhill marries Olivia, although he does not intend to. Olivia was a horrid deceitful girl, and it served her right to get such a husband. They have a brother called Moses, who used to talk philosophy with his father at dinner, and once sold a cow for a gross of green spectacles. A gross is twelve dozen.

"I ain't one to blame you," sneered Cargan, "for wanting it noticed when you do side-step a lie. Yes, I certainly " "See here, Cargan," blazed Hayden. "Yes, you did speak the truth," put in Miss Thornhill hastily. "You mentioned one word in your definition it was a desecration to drag it in hope. For me romance means only hope.