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Duke," said the dominie, "do you not think, in view of the importance of Kinlay's evidence, that it is advisable to administer the oath?" "Ah! you're right, dominie; yes, certainly," said Mr. Duke. "No, no," objected Bailie Thomson. "Why should this witness be treated differently from the others?" "Mr. Drever is right, Thomson," said Mr. Duke. "We must have the oath."

A destroyer brought him across, and a Government motor-car was waiting at the quay to rush him up to the Front. We all thought at Boulogne that royalty was coming, at least." There was a slight frown on Granet's forehead. He glanced half unconsciously towards Geraldine. "Mysterious sort of fellow, Thomson," Major Harrison continued, in blissful ignorance of the peculiar significance of his words.

We were about as ready for war as Lady Conyers there is to play Rugby football for Oxford." "It has taken us the best part of a year to realise what war means," Thomson assented. "Even now there are people whom one meets every day who seem to be living in abstractions." "Last night's raid ought to wake a few of them up," the Admiral grunted.

Aside from the great value of the quadruplex, saving millions of dollars, for a share in which Edison received $30,000, the automatic itself is described as of considerable utility by Sir William Thomson in his juror report at the Centennial Exposition of 1876, recommending it for award.

For some time they wrestled so fiercely that none of the other gentlemen could interfere with effect. They dashed down the large tent and went crashing through the debris of the feast until at length Thomson made a sudden twist freed himself from Edwin's grasp, leaving a shred of his coat in his hands, and, flying across the field, leaped at a single bound the wall that encompassed it.

Wrought very bobbishly to-day, but went off at dinner-time to Thomas Thomson, where we had good cheer and good fun. By the way, we have lost our Coal Gas Bill. Sorry for it, but I can't cry. June 5. Proofs. Parliament House till two. Commenced the character of Bonaparte. To-morrow being a Teind-day I will hope to get it finished. Meantime I go out to-night to see Frankenstein at the theatre.

We're all living wonders, Major," he went on, turning to Thomson, "but if I don't get a Sole Colbert and a grill at the Savoy, and a front seat at the Alhambra, before many weeks have passed, I shall get stale that's what'll happen to me." "Hope you'll have your hair cut before you go back," a man from the other end of the table remarked.

"His host perceived that he was unfit for any company but the quietest, and had sometimes one old friend, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Clerk, or Mr. Skene to dinner, but no more. He seemed glad to see them, but they all observed him with pain. He never took the lead in conversation, and often remained altogether silent. In the mornings he wrote usually for several hours at Count Robert; and Mr.

How far he may have been concerned in plotting with our country's enemies is a matter which we may know in the future, but for the present well, let's make a simple matter of it we want him left alone." "You wish him to continue in his present high position?" Thomson said slowly, "a man who is convicted of having treasonable correspondence with our enemy?" "We wish him left alone," Mr.

I showed him the plantations, going first round the terrace, then to the lake, then came down by the Rhymer's Glen, and took carriage at Huntly Burn, almost the grand tour, only we did not walk from Huntly Burn. The Fergusons dined with us. March 28. Mr Thomson left us about twelve for Minto, parting a pleased guest, I hope, from a pleased landlord.