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Yet even our own ancestors, tho barbarians, were greater in the latter than in the former. To suppress all pain, to meet the stroke of death with unflinching eye, to die laughing under the bites of adders, to lament neither their sins nor the loss of their dearest friends these were the characteristics of the old heroic courage of the north.

"I acknowledge," says this trustworthy chronicler "she was for the most part in her undresse all day, and that there was fondnesse and toying with that young wanton; nay, 'twas said I was at the former ceremony, but 'tis utterly false; I neither saw nor heard of any such thing whilst I was there, tho' I had ben in her chamber, and all over that apartment late enough, and was myself observing all passages with much curiosity."

He wint off, an' I noticed that this man that was contempshus set off from the halt wid a shunt as tho' he was bein' kicked behind. That same night there was a Paythan picnic in the hills about, an' firin' into our tents fit to wake the livin' dead. 'Lie down all, I sez. 'Lie down an' kape still. They'll no more than waste ammunition.

After the above melancholy Narration, it may perhaps be a Relief to the Reader to peruse the following Expostulation. To Mr. The just Remonstrance of affronted THAT. 'Tho' I deny not the Petition of Mr. Who and Which, yet You should not suffer them to be rude and call honest People Names: For that bears very hard on some of those Rules of Decency, which You are justly famous for establishing.

Then, in that time and place I spoke to her, Requiring, tho' I knew it was mine own, Yet for the pleasure that I took to hear, Requiring, at her hand, the greatest gift, A woman's heart, the heart of her I loved.

Alas! du Plessis, cried she, little do you think to whom you would ally yourself: you would, you say, despise a portion, but would you marry a foundling, a child of charity, one that has neither name nor friends, and who, in her best circumstances, is but a poor dependant, a servant in effect, tho' not in shew, and owes her very cloaths to the bounty of another?

I have been longing these many years for a chance to press your hand, and in the names of those who are dead and gone to express my gratitude." "I have my reward now, captain," replied John Paul; "a sight of you is to have Richard's whole life revealed. And what says Mr. Congreve? "'For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, And tho' a late, a sure reward succeeds.

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place The floods may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crost the bar. Am I starting the sail-craft of poets in line?

Side below Deer Island. we had Scercily landed before we were visited by a large Canoe with 8 men; from them we obtained a dried fruit which resembled the raspberry and which I beleave is the fruit of the large leafed thorn frequently mentioned. it is reather ascide tho pleasently flavored.

Aw wonder how they can for shame' o' their face. A lot o' mee-mawing snickets! But they 're no better nor porritch, Robert, when they're looked up. 'Not a bit, Betty, not a bit! But I mun be off. Good neet to yo'. 'Good neet Robert, said Betty. An' away he went wi' th' cart up to th' Hollins." "Aw'll tell tho what, Skedlock," said Nanny; "that woman's a terrible tung!"